systemd-resolve --version (return code: 0)
systemd 229
systemd-resolve --help (return code: 0)
systemd-resolve [OPTIONS...] NAME...
systemd-resolve [OPTIONS...] --service [[NAME] TYPE] DOMAIN
Resolve domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS resource records, and services.
-h --help Show this help
--version Show package version
-4 Resolve IPv4 addresses
-6 Resolve IPv6 addresses
-i --interface=INTERFACE Look on interface
-p --protocol=PROTOCOL|help Look via protocol
-t --type=TYPE|help Query RR with DNS type
-c --class=CLASS|help Query RR with DNS class
--service Resolve service (SRV)
--service-address=BOOL Do [not] resolve address for services
--service-txt=BOOL Do [not] resolve TXT records for services
--cname=BOOL Do [not] follow CNAME redirects
--search=BOOL Do [not] use search domains
--legend=BOOL Do [not] print column headers and meta information
--statistics Show resolver statistics
--reset-statistics Reset resolver statistics