opensc-tool --version (return code: 0)
No Git revision info available
opensc-tool --help (return code: 2)
opensc-tool: unrecognized option '--help'
Usage: opensc-tool [OPTIONS]
--version Prints OpenSC package revision
-i, --info Prints information about OpenSC
-a, --atr Prints the ATR bytes of the card
--serial Prints the card serial number
-n, --name Identify the card and print its name
-G, --get-conf-entry <arg> Get configuration key, format: section:name:key
-S, --set-conf-entry <arg> Set configuration key, format: section:name:key:value
-l, --list-readers Lists readers
-D, --list-drivers Lists all installed card drivers
-f, --list-files Recursively lists files stored on card
-s, --send-apdu <arg> Sends an APDU in format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF...
-r, --reader <arg> Uses reader number <arg> [0]
--reset [arg] Does card reset of type <cold|warm> [cold]
-c, --card-driver <arg> Forces the use of driver <arg> [auto-detect]
--list-algorithms Lists algorithms supported by card
-w, --wait Wait for a card to be inserted
-v, --verbose Verbose operation. Use several times to enable debug output.