colormgr -V (return code: 1)
Client version: 1.2.12
Daemon version: 1.2.12
System vendor: innotek
System model: VirtualBox
colormgr --help (return code: 0)
colormgr [OPTION...]
create-device [ID] [SCOPE] [KIND]
Create a device
create-profile [ID] [SCOPE] Create a profile
delete-device [ID|PATH] Deletes a device
delete-profile [ID|PATH] Deletes a profile
device-add-profile [ID|PATH] [ID|PATH]
Add a profile to a device that already exists
device-get-default-profile [ID|PATH]
Gets the default profile for a device
device-get-profile-for-qualifier [ID|PATH] [QUALIFIER]
Returns all the profiles that match a qualifier
device-inhibit [ID|PATH] [TIMEOUT|0]
Inhibits color profiles for this device
device-make-profile-default [ID|PATH] [ID|PATH]
Makes a profile default for a device
device-set-enabled [ID|PATH] [TRUE|FALSE]
Enables or disables the device
device-set-kind [ID|PATH] [KIND] Sets the device kind
device-set-model [ID|PATH] [MODEL]
Sets the device model
device-set-serial [ID|PATH] [SERIAL]
Sets the device serial
device-set-vendor [ID|PATH] [VENDOR]
Sets the device vendor
dump Dump all debug data to a file
find-device [ID] Find a device from the device ID
find-device-by-property [KEY] [VALUE]
Find a device with a given property value
find-profile [ID] Find a profile from the profile ID
find-profile-by-filename [FILENAME]
Find a profile by filename
get-devices Gets all the color managed devices
get-devices-by-kind [KIND] Gets all the color managed devices of a specific kind
get-profiles Gets all the available color profiles
get-sensor-reading [KIND] Gets a reading from a sensor
get-sensors Gets all the available color sensors
get-standard-space [TYPE] Get a standard colorspace
import-profile [FILENAME] Import a profile and install it for the user
profile-set-property [ID|PATH] [KEY] [VALUE]
Sets extra properties on the profile
sensor-lock Locks the color sensor
sensor-set-options [KEY] [VALUE] Sets one or more sensor options
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-v, --verbose Show extra debugging information
--version Show client and daemon versions
--value-only Show the value without any header
--filter Filter object properties when displaying