chdist --version (return code: 0)
This is chdist, from the Debian devscripts package, version
2.16.2ubuntu3 This code is copyright 2007 by Lucas Nussbaum and Luk
Claes. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free
to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public
License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
chdist --help (return code: 0)
chdist [<options>] [<command>] [<command parameters>]
-h, --help
Provide a usage message.
-d, --data-dir <DIR>
Choose data directory (default: $HOME/.chdist/).
-a, --arch <ARCH>
Choose architecture (default: `dpkg --print-architecture`).
Display version information.
Prepare a new tree named <DIST>
apt-get <DIST> <update|source|...>
Run apt-get inside <DIST>
apt-cache <DIST> <show|showsrc|...>
Run apt-cache inside <DIST>
apt-file <DIST> <update|search|...>
Run apt-file inside <DIST>
apt-rdepends <DIST> [...]
Run apt-rdepends inside <DIST>
src2bin <DIST SRCPKG>
List binary packages for <SRCPKG> in <DIST>
bin2src <DIST BINPKG>
List source package for <BINPKG> in <DIST>
compare-packages <DIST1 DIST2> [<DIST3>, ...]
compare-bin-packages <DIST1 DIST2> [<DIST3>, ...]
List versions of packages in several <DIST>ributions
compare-versions <DIST1 DIST2>
compare-bin-versions <DIST1 DIST2>
Same as compare-packages/compare-bin-packages, but also runs dpkg
--compare-versions and display where the package is newer.
compare-src-bin-packages <DIST>
Compare sources and binaries for <DIST>
compare-src-bin-versions <DIST>
Same as compare-src-bin-packages, but also run dpkg
--compare-versions and display where the package is newer
grep-dctrl-packages <DIST> [...]
Run grep-dctrl on *_Packages inside <DIST>
grep-dctrl-sources <DIST> [...]
Run grep-dctrl on *_Sources inside <DIST>
List available <DIST>s