PTblender -V (return code: 255)
PTblender: invalid option -- '-'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'v'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'e'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'r'
PTblender: invalid option -- 's'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'i'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'o'
PTblender: invalid option -- 'n'
PTblender Version 2.9.19 , originally written by Helmut Dersch, rewritten by Daniel M German
No files specified in the command line
PTblender [options] <tiffFiles>+
-p <prefix> Prefix for output filename. Defaults to blended%4d
-k <index> Index to image to use as a reference (0-based, defaults to 0)
-t [0,1,2] Type of colour correction:
0 full (default), 1 brightness only, 2 colour only
-c Output curves smooth (Output 1 per each corrected file)
-m Output curves arbitrary map (Output 1 per each corrected file)
-f Force processing (ignore warnings)
-x Delete source files (use with care)
-q Quiet run
-h Show this message
PTblender --help (return code: 0)
PTblender: invalid option -- '-'
PTblender Version 2.9.19 , originally written by Helmut Dersch, rewritten by Daniel M German
PTblender [options] <tiffFiles>+
-p <prefix> Prefix for output filename. Defaults to blended%4d
-k <index> Index to image to use as a reference (0-based, defaults to 0)
-t [0,1,2] Type of colour correction:
0 full (default), 1 brightness only, 2 colour only
-c Output curves smooth (Output 1 per each corrected file)
-m Output curves arbitrary map (Output 1 per each corrected file)
-f Force processing (ignore warnings)
-x Delete source files (use with care)
-q Quiet run
-h Show this message