pkcs11-keygen (8)
Leading comments
Copyright (C) 2012 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIREC...
pkcs11-keygen - generate keys on a PKCS#11 deviceSYNOPSIS
- pkcs11-keygen {-a algorithm} [-b keysize] [-e] [-i id] [-m module] [-P] [-p PIN] [-q] [-S] [-s slot] {label}
-a algorithm
- Specify the key algorithm class: Supported classes are RSA, DSA, DH, and ECC. In addition to these strings, the algorithm can be specified as a DNSSEC signing algorithm that will be used with this key; for example, NSEC3RSASHA1 maps to RSA, and ECDSAP256SHA256 maps to ECC. The default class is "RSA".
-b keysize
- Create the key pair with keysize bits of prime. For ECC keys, the only valid values are 256 and 384, and the default is 256.
- For RSA keys only, use a large exponent.
-i id
- Create key objects with id. The id is either an unsigned short 2 byte or an unsigned long 4 byte number.
-m module
- Specify the PKCS#11 provider module. This must be the full path to a shared library object implementing the PKCS#11 API for the device.
- Set the new private key to be non-sensitive and extractable. The allows the private key data to be read from the PKCS#11 device. The default is for private keys to be sensitive and non-extractable.
-p PIN
- Specify the PIN for the device. If no PIN is provided on the command line, pkcs11-ecgen will prompt for it.
- Quiet mode: suppress unnecessary output.
- For Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys only, use a special prime of 768, 1024 or 1536 bit size and base (aka generator) 2. If not specified, bit size will default to 1024.
-s slot
- Open the session with the given PKCS#11 slot. The default is slot 0.
pkcs11-rsagen(3), pkcs11-dsagen(3), pkcs11-list(3), pkcs11-destroy(3), dnssec-keyfromlabel(3),
Internet Systems Consortium