wnstats (7)
Leading comments
(The comments found at the beginning of the groff file "man7/wnstats.7WN".)
wnstats - WordNet 3.0 database statistics
Number of words, synsets, and senses
POS | Unique | Synsets | Total
| Strings | | Word-Sense Pairs
Noun | 117798 | 82115 | 146312
Verb | 11529 | 13767 | 25047
Adjective | 21479 | 18156 | 30002
Adverb | 4481 | 3621 | 5580
Totals | 155287 | 120982 | 206941
Polysemy information
POS | Monosemous | Polysemous | Polysemous
| Words and Senses | Words | Senses
Noun | 101863 | 15935 | 44449
Verb | 6277 | 5252 | 18770
Adjective | 16503 | 4976 | 14399
Adverb | 3748 | 733 | 1832
Totals | 128391 | 26896 | 79450
POS | Average Polysemy | Average Polysemy
| Including Monosemous Words | Excluding Monosemous Words
Noun | 1.24 | 2.79
Verb | 2.17 | 3.57
Adjective | 1.40 | 2.71
Adverb | 1.25 | 2.50
Statistics for all types of adjectives and adjective satellites are
The total of all unique noun, verb, adjective, and adverb strings is
actually 147278.
However, many strings are unique within a
syntactic category, but are in more than one syntactic category. The
figures in the table represent the unique strings in each syntactic category.