flatpak-flatpakref (5)
Leading comments
Title: flatpakref Author: Alexander Larsson <alexl@redhat.com> Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/> Date: 08/31/2017 Manual: flatpakref Source: flatpak Language: English
flatpak-flatpakref - Reference to a remote for an application or runtimeDESCRIPTION
Flatpak uses flatpakref files to share information about a remote for a single application. The flatpakref file contains enough information to add the remote and install the application. Use the flatpak install --from command to do so.
The filename extension commonly used for flatpakref files is .flatpakref.
A flatpakref file can also refer to a remote for a runtime.
The flatpakref file is using the same .ini file format that is used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.
[Flatpak Ref]
All the information is contained in the [Flatpak Ref] group.
The following keys can be present in this group:
Name (string)
- The fully qualified name of the runtime that is used by the application. This key is mandatory.
Url (string)
- The url for the remote. This key is mandatory.
Branch (string)
- The name of the branch from which to install the application or runtime. If this key is not specified, the "master" branch is used.
Title (string)
- The title of the application or runtime. This should be a user-friendly name that can be displayed e.g. in an app store.
IsRuntime (boolean)
- Whether this file refers to a runtime. If this key is not specified, the file is assumed to refer to an application.
GPGKey (string)
- The base64-encoded gpg key for the remote.
RuntimeRepo (string)
- The url for a .flatpakref file for the runtime.
[Flatpak Ref] Title=GEdit Name=org.gnome.gedit Branch=stable Url=sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps IsRuntime=False GPGKey=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