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SGMLS - class for postprocessing the output from the onsgmls, sgmls, and nsgmls parsers.SYNOPSIS
use SGMLS; my $parse = new SGMLS(STDIN); my $event = $parse->next_event; while ($event) { SWITCH: { ($event->type eq 'start_element') && do { my $element = $event->data; # An object of class SGMLS_Element [[your code for the beginning of an element]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'end_element') && do { my $element = $event->data; # An object of class SGMLS_Element [[your code for the end of an element]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'cdata') && do { my $cdata = $event->data; # A string [[your code for character data]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'sdata') && do { my $sdata = $event->data; # A string [[your code for system data]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 're') && do { [[your code for a record end]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'pi') && do { my $pi = $event->data; # A string [[your code for a processing instruction]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'entity') && do { my $entity = $event->data; # An object of class SGMLS_Entity [[your code for an external entity]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'start_subdoc') && do { my $entity = $event->data; # An object of class SGMLS_Entity [[your code for the beginning of a subdoc entity]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'end_subdoc') && do { my $entity = $event->data; # An object of class SGMLS_Entity [[your code for the end of a subdoc entity]] last SWITCH; }; ($event->type eq 'conforming') && do { [[your code for a conforming document]] last SWITCH; }; die "Internal error: unknown event type " . $event->type . "\n"; } $event = $parse->next_event; }
package consists of several related classes: see
, ``SGMLS_Event'', ``SGMLS_Element'',
``SGMLS_Attribute'', ``SGMLS_Notation'', and ``SGMLS_Entity''. All
of these classes are available when you specify
use SGMLS;
Generally, the only object which you will create explicitly will belong to the "SGMLS" class; all of the others will then be created automatically for you over the course of the parse. Much fuller documentation is available in the ".sgml" files in the "DOC/" directory of the "" distribution.
The SGMLS class
This class holds a single parse. When you create an instance of it, you specify a file handle as an argument (if you are reading the output of onsgmls, sgmls or nsgmls from a pipe, the file handle will ordinarily be "STDIN"):
my $parse = new SGMLS(STDIN);
The most important method for this class is "next_event", which reads and returns the next major event from the input stream. It is important to note that the "SGMLS" class deals with most
events itself: attributes and entity definitions, for example, are
collected and stored automatically and invisibly to the user. The
following list contains all of the methods for the "SGMLS" class:
- next_event(): Return an SGMLS_Event object containing the next major event from the SGMLparse.
- element(): Return an SGMLS_Element object containing the current element in the document.
- file(): Return a string containing the name of the current SGMLsource file (this will work only if the -l option was given to onsgmls, sgmls or nsgmls).
- line(): Return a string containing the current line number from the source file (this will work only if the -l option was given to onsgmls, sgmls or nsgmls).
- appinfo(): Return a string containing the APPINFO parameter (if any) from the SGMLdeclaration.
- notation(NNAME): Return an SGMLS_Notation object representing the notation named NNAME. With newer versions of nsgmls, all notations are available; otherwise, only the notations which are actually used will be available.
- entity(ENAME): Return an SGMLS_Entity object representing the entity named ENAME. With newer versions of nsgmls, all entities are available; otherwise, only external data entities and internal entities used as attribute values will be available.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array for user-defined extensions.
The SGMLS_Event class
This class holds a single major event, as generated by the "next_event" method in the "SGMLS" class. It uses the following methods:- type(): Return a string describing the type of event: start_element, end_element, cdata, sdata, re, pi, entity, start_subdoc, end_subdoc, and conforming. See SYNOPSIS, above, for the values associated with each of these.
- data(): Return the data associated with the current event (if any). For start_element and end_element, returns an SGMLS_ELement object; for entity, start_subdoc, and end_subdoc, returns an SGMLS_Entity object; for cdata, sdata, and pi, returns a string; and for re and conforming, returns the empty string. See SYNOPSIS, above, for an example of this method's use.
- key(): Return a string key to the event, such as an element or entity name (otherwise, the same as data()).
- file(): Return the current file name, as in the SGMLS class.
- line(): Return the current line number, as in the SGMLS class.
- element(): Return the current element, as in the SGMLS class.
- parse(): Return the SGMLS object which generated the event.
- entity(ENAME): Look up an entity, as in the SGMLS class.
- notation(ENAME): Look up a notation, as in the SGMLS class.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array for user-defined extensions.
The SGMLS_Element class
This class is used for elements, and contains all associated information (such as the element's attributes). It recognises the following methods:- name(): Return a string containing the name, or Generic Identifier, of the element, in upper case.
- parent(): Return the SGMLS_Element object for the element's parent (if any).
- parse(): Return the SGMLS object for the current parse.
- attributes(): Return a reference to an associative array of attribute names and SGMLS_Attribute structures. Attribute names will be all in upper case.
- attribute_names(): Return an array of strings containing the names of all attributes defined for the current element, in upper case.
- attribute(ANAME): Return the SGMLS_Attribute structure for the attribute ANAME.
- set_attribute(ATTRIB): Add the SGMLS_Attribute object ATTRIB to the current element, replacing any other attribute structure with the same name.
- in(GI): Return true (ie. 1) if the string GI is the name of the current element's parent, or false (ie. 0) if it is not.
- within(GI): Return true (ie. 1) if the string GI is the name of any of the ancestors of the current element, or false (ie. 0) if it is not.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array for user-defined extensions.
The SGMLS_Attribute class
Each instance of an attribute for each "SGMLS_Element" is an object belonging to this class, which recognises the following methods:- name(): Return a string containing the name of the current attribute, all in upper case.
- type(): Return a string containing the type of the current attribute, all in upper case. Available types are IMPLIED, CDATA, NOTATION, ENTITY,andTOKEN.
- value(): Return the value of the current attribute, if any. This will be an empty string if the type is IMPLIED,a string of some sort if the type isCDATAorTOKEN(if it isTOKEN,you may want to split the string into a series of separate tokens), an SGMLS_Notation object if the type isNOTATION,or an SGMLS_Entity object if the type isENTITY.Note that if the value isCDATA,it will not have escape sequences for 8-bit characters, record ends, orSDATAprocessed --- that will be your responsibility.
- is_implied(): Return true (ie. 1) if the value of the attribute is implied, or false (ie. 0) if it is specified in the document.
- set_type(TYPE): Change the type of the attribute to the string TYPE (which should be all in upper case). Available types are IMPLIED, CDATA, NOTATION, ENTITY,andTOKEN.
- set_value(VALUE): Change the value of the attribute to VALUE, which may be a string, an SGMLS_Entity object, or an SGMLS_Notation subject, depending on the attribute's type.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array available for user-defined extensions.
The SGMLS_Notation class
All declared notations appear as objects belonging to this class, which recognises the following methods:- name(): Return a string containing the name of the notation.
- sysid(): Return a string containing the system identifier of the notation, if any.
- pubid(): Return a string containing the public identifier of the notation, if any.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array available for user-defined extensions.
The SGMLS_Entity class
All declared entities appear as objects belonging to this class, which recognises the following methods:- name(): Return a string containing the name of the entity, in mixed case.
- type(): Return a string containing the type of the entity, in upper case. Available types are CDATA, SDATA, NDATA(external entities only),SUBDOC, PI(newer versions of nsgmls only), orTEXT(newer versions of nsgmls only).
- value(): Return a string containing the value of the entity, if it is internal.
- sysid(): Return a string containing the system identifier of the entity (if any), if it is external.
- pubid(): Return a string containing the public identifier of the entity (if any), if it is external.
- filenames(): Return an array of strings containing any file names generated from the identifiers, if the entity is external.
- notation(): Return the SGMLS_Notation object associated with the entity, if it is external.
- data_attributes(): Return a reference to an associative array of data attribute names (in upper case) and the associated SGMLS_Attribute objects for the current entity.
- data_attribute_names(): Return an array of data attribute names (in upper case) for the current entity.
- data_attribute(ANAME): Return the SGMLS_Attribute object for the data attribute named ANAME for the current entity.
- set_data_attribute(ATTRIB): Add the SGMLS_Attribute object ATTRIB to the current entity, replacing any other data attribute with the same name.
- ext(): Return a reference to an associative array for user-defined extensions.
Copyright 1994 and 1995 by David Megginson, "". Distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public License (version 2, 1991) --- see the file "COPYING" which is included in theSGMLS
.pm distribution.