ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort (3)
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ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort - SOAP Interface for the Device Web Service
use ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort;
my $interface = ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort->new();
my $response;
$response = $interface->GetServices();
$response = $interface->GetServiceCapabilities();
$response = $interface->GetDeviceInformation();
$response = $interface->SetSystemDateAndTime();
$response = $interface->GetSystemDateAndTime();
$response = $interface->SetSystemFactoryDefault();
$response = $interface->UpgradeSystemFirmware();
$response = $interface->SystemReboot();
$response = $interface->RestoreSystem();
$response = $interface->GetSystemBackup();
$response = $interface->GetSystemLog();
$response = $interface->GetSystemSupportInformation();
$response = $interface->GetScopes();
$response = $interface->SetScopes();
$response = $interface->AddScopes();
$response = $interface->RemoveScopes();
$response = $interface->GetDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->SetDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->GetRemoteDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->SetRemoteDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->GetDPAddresses();
$response = $interface->GetEndpointReference();
$response = $interface->GetRemoteUser();
$response = $interface->SetRemoteUser();
$response = $interface->GetUsers();
$response = $interface->CreateUsers();
$response = $interface->DeleteUsers();
$response = $interface->SetUser();
$response = $interface->GetWsdlUrl();
$response = $interface->GetCapabilities();
$response = $interface->SetDPAddresses();
$response = $interface->GetHostname();
$response = $interface->SetHostname();
$response = $interface->SetHostnameFromDHCP();
$response = $interface->GetDNS();
$response = $interface->SetDNS();
$response = $interface->GetNTP();
$response = $interface->SetNTP();
$response = $interface->GetDynamicDNS();
$response = $interface->SetDynamicDNS();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkInterfaces();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkInterfaces();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkProtocols();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkProtocols();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkDefaultGateway();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkDefaultGateway();
$response = $interface->GetZeroConfiguration();
$response = $interface->SetZeroConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->SetIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->AddIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->RemoveIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->GetAccessPolicy();
$response = $interface->SetAccessPolicy();
$response = $interface->CreateCertificate();
$response = $interface->GetCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetCertificatesStatus();
$response = $interface->SetCertificatesStatus();
$response = $interface->DeleteCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetPkcs10Request();
$response = $interface->LoadCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetClientCertificateMode();
$response = $interface->SetClientCertificateMode();
$response = $interface->GetRelayOutputs();
$response = $interface->SetRelayOutputSettings();
$response = $interface->SetRelayOutputState();
$response = $interface->SendAuxiliaryCommand();
$response = $interface->GetCACertificates();
$response = $interface->LoadCertificateWithPrivateKey();
$response = $interface->GetCertificateInformation();
$response = $interface->LoadCACertificates();
$response = $interface->CreateDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->SetDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot1XConfigurations();
$response = $interface->DeleteDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot11Capabilities();
$response = $interface->GetDot11Status();
$response = $interface->ScanAvailableDot11Networks();
$response = $interface->GetSystemUris();
$response = $interface->StartFirmwareUpgrade();
$response = $interface->StartSystemRestore();
SOAP Interface for the Device web service located at http://www.examples.com/Device/.
Port DevicePort
General methods
All arguments are forwarded to SOAP::WSDL::Client.
SOAP Service methods
Method synopsis is displayed with hash refs as parameters.
The commented class names in the method's parameters denote that objects of the corresponding class can be passed instead of the marked hash ref.
You may pass any combination of objects, hash and list refs to these methods, as long as you meet the structure.
List items (i.e. multiple occurrences) are not displayed in the synopsis. You may generally pass a list ref of hash refs (or objects) instead of a hash ref - this may result in invalid XML if used improperly, though. Note that SOAP::WSDL always expects list references at maximum depth position.
XML attributes are not displayed in this synopsis and cannot be set using hash refs. See the respective class' documentation for additional information.
Returns information about services on the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServicesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetServices( {
IncludeCapability => $some_value, # boolean
Returns the capabilities of the device service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetServiceCapabilities( {
This operation gets basic device information from the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDeviceInformationResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDeviceInformation( {
The DayLightSavings flag should be set to true to activate any DST settings of the TimeZone string. Clear the DayLightSavings flag if the DST portion of the TimeZone settings should be ignored.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemDateAndTimeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetSystemDateAndTime( {
DateTimeType => $some_value, # SetDateTimeType
DaylightSavings => $some_value, # boolean
TimeZone => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::TimeZone
TZ => $some_value, # token
UTCDateTime => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::DateTime
Time => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Time
Hour => $some_value, # int
Minute => $some_value, # int
Second => $some_value, # int
Date => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Date
Year => $some_value, # int
Month => $some_value, # int
Day => $some_value, # int
A device shall provide the UTCDateTime information.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemDateAndTimeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemDateAndTime( {
This operation reloads the parameters on the device to their factory default values.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemFactoryDefaultResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetSystemFactoryDefault( {
FactoryDefault => $some_value, # FactoryDefaultType
This operation upgrades a device firmware version. After a successful upgrade the response message is sent before the device reboots. The device should support firmware upgrade through the UpgradeSystemFirmware command. The exact format of the firmware data is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::UpgradeSystemFirmwareResponse object.
$response = $interface->UpgradeSystemFirmware( {
Firmware => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AttachmentData
Include => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Include
This operation reboots the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SystemRebootResponse object.
$response = $interface->SystemReboot( {
This operation restores the system backup configuration files(s) previously retrieved from a device. The device should support restore of backup configuration file(s) through the RestoreSystem command. The exact format of the backup configuration file(s) is outside the scope of this standard. If the command is supported, it shall accept backup files returned by the GetSystemBackup command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::RestoreSystemResponse object.
$response = $interface->RestoreSystem( {
BackupFiles => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::BackupFile
Name => $some_value, # string
Data => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AttachmentData
Include => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Include
This operation is retrieves system backup configuration file(s) from a device. The device should support return of back up configuration file(s) through the GetSystemBackup command. The backup is returned with reference to a name and mime-type together with binary data. The exact format of the backup configuration files is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemBackupResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemBackup( {
This operation gets a system log from the device. The exact format of the system logs is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemLogResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemLog( {
LogType => $some_value, # SystemLogType
This operation gets arbitrary device diagnostics information from the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemSupportInformationResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemSupportInformation( {
Configurable Fixed scope parameters are permanent device characteristics and cannot be removed through the device management interface. The scope type is indicated in the scope list returned in the get scope parameters response. A device shall support retrieval of discovery scope parameters through the GetScopes command. As some scope parameters are mandatory, the device shall return a non-empty scope list in the response.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetScopes( {
This operation sets the scope parameters of a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message. This operation replaces all existing configurable scope parameters (not fixed parameters). If this shall be avoided, one should use the scope add command instead. The device shall support configuration of discovery scope parameters through the SetScopes command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetScopes( {
Scopes => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation adds new configurable scope parameters to a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message. The device shall support addition of discovery scope parameters through the AddScopes command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->AddScopes( {
ScopeItem => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation deletes scope-configurable scope parameters from a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message, see Section 7. The device shall support deletion of discovery scope parameters through the RemoveScopes command. Table
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->RemoveScopes( {
ScopeItem => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation gets the discovery mode of a device. See Section 7.2 for the definition of the different device discovery modes. The device shall support retrieval of the discovery mode setting through the GetDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDiscoveryMode( {
This operation sets the discovery mode operation of a device. See Section 7.2 for the definition of the different device discovery modes. The device shall support configuration of the discovery mode setting through the SetDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDiscoveryMode( {
DiscoveryMode => $some_value, # DiscoveryMode
This operation gets the remote discovery mode of a device. See Section 7.4 for the definition of remote discovery extensions. A device that supports remote discovery shall support retrieval of the remote discovery mode setting through the GetRemoteDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetRemoteDiscoveryMode( {
This operation sets the remote discovery mode of operation of a device. See Section 7.4 for the definition of remote discovery remote extensions. A device that supports remote discovery shall support configuration of the discovery mode setting through the SetRemoteDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetRemoteDiscoveryMode( {
RemoteDiscoveryMode => $some_value, # DiscoveryMode
This operation gets the remote DP address or addresses from a device. If the device supports remote discovery, as specified in Section 7.4, the device shall support retrieval of the remote DP address(es) through the GetDPAddresses command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDPAddressesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDPAddresses( {
A client can ask for the device service endpoint reference address property that can be used to derive the password equivalent for remote user operation. The device shall support the GetEndpointReference command returning the address property of the device service endpoint reference.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetEndpointReferenceResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetEndpointReference( {
The algorithm to use for deriving the password is described in section of the core specification.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetRemoteUser( {
To remove the remote user SetRemoteUser should be called without the RemoteUser parameter.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetRemoteUser( {
RemoteUser => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::RemoteUser
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UseDerivedPassword => $some_value, # boolean
This operation lists the registered users and corresponding credentials on a device. The device shall support retrieval of registered device users and their credentials for the user token through the GetUsers command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetUsers( {
ONVIF compliant devices are recommended to support password length of at least 28 bytes, as clients may follow the password derivation mechanism which results in 'password equivalent' of length 28 bytes, as described in section 3.1.2 of the ONVIF security white paper.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->CreateUsers( {
User => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::User
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UserLevel => $some_value, # UserLevel
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::UserExtension
This operation deletes users on a device. The device shall support deletion of device users and their credentials through the DeleteUsers command. A device may have one or more fixed users that cannot be deleted to ensure access to the unit. Either all users are deleted successfully or a fault message shall be returned and no users be deleted.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->DeleteUsers( {
Username => $some_value, # string
This operation updates the settings for one or several users on a device for authentication purposes. The device shall support update of device users and their credentials through the SetUser command. Either all change requests are processed successfully or a fault message shall be returned and no change requests be processed.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetUser( {
User => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::User
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UserLevel => $some_value, # UserLevel
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::UserExtension
It is possible for an endpoint to request a URL that can be used to retrieve the complete schema and WSDL definitions of a device. The command gives in return a URL entry point where all the necessary product specific WSDL and schema definitions can be retrieved. The device shall provide a URL for WSDL and schema download through the GetWsdlUrl command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetWsdlUrlResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetWsdlUrl( {
Any endpoint can ask for the capabilities of a device using the capability exchange request response operation. The device shall indicate all its ONVIF compliant capabilities through the GetCapabilities command. The capability list includes references to the addresses (XAddr) of the service implementing the interface operations in the category. Apart from the addresses, the capabilities only reflect optional functions.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCapabilitiesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetCapabilities( {
Category => $some_value, # CapabilityCategory
This operation sets the remote DP address or addresses on a device. If the device supports remote discovery, as specified in Section 7.4, the device shall support configuration of the remote DP address(es) through the SetDPAddresses command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDPAddressesResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDPAddresses( {
DPAddress => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHost
Type => $some_value, # NetworkHostType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
DNSname => $some_value, # DNSName
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHostExtension
This operation is used by an endpoint to get the hostname from a device. The device shall return its hostname configurations through the GetHostname command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetHostnameResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetHostname( {
A device shall accept string formatted according to RFC 1123 section 2.1 or alternatively to RFC 952, other string shall be considered as invalid strings.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostnameResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetHostname( {
Name => $some_value, # token
This operation controls whether the hostname is set manually or retrieved via DHCP.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetHostnameFromDHCPResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetHostnameFromDHCP( {
FromDHCP => $some_value, # boolean
This operation gets the DNS settings from a device. The device shall return its DNS configurations through the GetDNS command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDNSResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDNS( {
This operation sets the DNS settings on a device. It shall be possible to set the device DNS configurations through the SetDNS command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDNSResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDNS( {
FromDHCP => $some_value, # boolean
SearchDomain => $some_value, # token
DNSManual => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddress
Type => $some_value, # IPType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
This operation gets the NTP settings from a device. If the device supports NTP, it shall be possible to get the NTP server settings through the GetNTP command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNTPResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetNTP( {
Changes to the NTP server list will not affect the clock mode DateTimeType. Use SetSystemDateAndTime to activate NTP operation.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNTPResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetNTP( {
FromDHCP => $some_value, # boolean
NTPManual => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHost
Type => $some_value, # NetworkHostType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
DNSname => $some_value, # DNSName
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHostExtension
This operation gets the dynamic DNS settings from a device. If the device supports dynamic DNS as specified in [RFC 2136] and [RFC 4702], it shall be possible to get the type, name and TTL through the GetDynamicDNS command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDynamicDNSResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDynamicDNS( {
This operation sets the dynamic DNS settings on a device. If the device supports dynamic DNS as specified in [RFC 2136] and [RFC 4702], it shall be possible to set the type, name and TTL through the SetDynamicDNS command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDynamicDNSResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDynamicDNS( {
Type => $some_value, # DynamicDNSType
Name => $some_value, # DNSName
TTL => $some_value, # duration
This operation gets the network interface configuration from a device. The device shall support return of network interface configuration settings as defined by the NetworkInterface type through the GetNetworkInterfaces command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkInterfacesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetNetworkInterfaces( {
For interoperability with a client unaware of the IEEE 802.11 extension a device shall retain its IEEE 802.11 configuration if the IEEE 802.11 configuration element isnt present in the request.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkInterfacesResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetNetworkInterfaces( {
InterfaceToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
NetworkInterface => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
Enabled => $some_value, # boolean
Link => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting
AutoNegotiation => $some_value, # boolean
Speed => $some_value, # int
Duplex => $some_value, # Duplex
MTU => $some_value, # int
IPv4 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
Enabled => $some_value, # boolean
Manual => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PrefixedIPv4Address
Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
PrefixLength => $some_value, # int
DHCP => $some_value, # boolean
IPv6 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
Enabled => $some_value, # boolean
AcceptRouterAdvert => $some_value, # boolean
Manual => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PrefixedIPv6Address
Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
PrefixLength => $some_value, # int
DHCP => $some_value, # IPv6DHCPConfiguration
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension
Dot3 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot3Configuration
Dot11 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11Configuration
SSID => $some_value, # Dot11SSIDType
Mode => $some_value, # Dot11StationMode
Alias => $some_value, # Name
Priority => $some_value, # NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority
Security => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SecurityConfiguration
Mode => $some_value, # Dot11SecurityMode
Algorithm => $some_value, # Dot11Cipher
PSK => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSKSet
Key => $some_value, # Dot11PSK
Passphrase => $some_value, # Dot11PSKPassphrase
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11PSKSetExtension
Dot1X => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2
This operation gets defined network protocols from a device. The device shall support the GetNetworkProtocols command returning configured network protocols.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetNetworkProtocolsResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetNetworkProtocols( {
This operation configures defined network protocols on a device. The device shall support configuration of defined network protocols through the SetNetworkProtocols command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetNetworkProtocolsResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetNetworkProtocols( {
NetworkProtocols => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkProtocol
Name => $some_value, # NetworkProtocolType
Enabled => $some_value, # boolean
Port => $some_value, # int
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkProtocolExtension
ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort(3pm)
ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort - SOAP Interface for the Device Web Service
use ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort;
my $interface = ONVIF::Device::Interfaces::Device::DevicePort->new();
my $response;
$response = $interface->GetServices();
$response = $interface->GetServiceCapabilities();
$response = $interface->GetDeviceInformation();
$response = $interface->SetSystemDateAndTime();
$response = $interface->GetSystemDateAndTime();
$response = $interface->SetSystemFactoryDefault();
$response = $interface->UpgradeSystemFirmware();
$response = $interface->SystemReboot();
$response = $interface->RestoreSystem();
$response = $interface->GetSystemBackup();
$response = $interface->GetSystemLog();
$response = $interface->GetSystemSupportInformation();
$response = $interface->GetScopes();
$response = $interface->SetScopes();
$response = $interface->AddScopes();
$response = $interface->RemoveScopes();
$response = $interface->GetDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->SetDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->GetRemoteDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->SetRemoteDiscoveryMode();
$response = $interface->GetDPAddresses();
$response = $interface->GetEndpointReference();
$response = $interface->GetRemoteUser();
$response = $interface->SetRemoteUser();
$response = $interface->GetUsers();
$response = $interface->CreateUsers();
$response = $interface->DeleteUsers();
$response = $interface->SetUser();
$response = $interface->GetWsdlUrl();
$response = $interface->GetCapabilities();
$response = $interface->SetDPAddresses();
$response = $interface->GetHostname();
$response = $interface->SetHostname();
$response = $interface->SetHostnameFromDHCP();
$response = $interface->GetDNS();
$response = $interface->SetDNS();
$response = $interface->GetNTP();
$response = $interface->SetNTP();
$response = $interface->GetDynamicDNS();
$response = $interface->SetDynamicDNS();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkInterfaces();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkInterfaces();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkProtocols();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkProtocols();
$response = $interface->GetNetworkDefaultGateway();
$response = $interface->SetNetworkDefaultGateway();
$response = $interface->GetZeroConfiguration();
$response = $interface->SetZeroConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->SetIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->AddIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->RemoveIPAddressFilter();
$response = $interface->GetAccessPolicy();
$response = $interface->SetAccessPolicy();
$response = $interface->CreateCertificate();
$response = $interface->GetCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetCertificatesStatus();
$response = $interface->SetCertificatesStatus();
$response = $interface->DeleteCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetPkcs10Request();
$response = $interface->LoadCertificates();
$response = $interface->GetClientCertificateMode();
$response = $interface->SetClientCertificateMode();
$response = $interface->GetRelayOutputs();
$response = $interface->SetRelayOutputSettings();
$response = $interface->SetRelayOutputState();
$response = $interface->SendAuxiliaryCommand();
$response = $interface->GetCACertificates();
$response = $interface->LoadCertificateWithPrivateKey();
$response = $interface->GetCertificateInformation();
$response = $interface->LoadCACertificates();
$response = $interface->CreateDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->SetDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot1XConfigurations();
$response = $interface->DeleteDot1XConfiguration();
$response = $interface->GetDot11Capabilities();
$response = $interface->GetDot11Status();
$response = $interface->ScanAvailableDot11Networks();
$response = $interface->GetSystemUris();
$response = $interface->StartFirmwareUpgrade();
$response = $interface->StartSystemRestore();
SOAP Interface for the Device web service located at http://www.examples.com/Device/.
Port DevicePort
General methods
All arguments are forwarded to SOAP::WSDL::Client.
SOAP Service methods
Method synopsis is displayed with hash refs as parameters.
The commented class names in the method's parameters denote that objects of the corresponding class can be passed instead of the marked hash ref.
You may pass any combination of objects, hash and list refs to these methods, as long as you meet the structure.
List items (i.e. multiple occurrences) are not displayed in the synopsis. You may generally pass a list ref of hash refs (or objects) instead of a hash ref - this may result in invalid XML if used improperly, though. Note that SOAP::WSDL always expects list references at maximum depth position.
XML attributes are not displayed in this synopsis and cannot be set using hash refs. See the respective class' documentation for additional information.
Returns information about services on the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServicesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetServices( {
IncludeCapability => $some_value, # boolean
Returns the capabilities of the device service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetServiceCapabilities( {
This operation gets basic device information from the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDeviceInformationResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDeviceInformation( {
The DayLightSavings flag should be set to true to activate any DST settings of the TimeZone string. Clear the DayLightSavings flag if the DST portion of the TimeZone settings should be ignored.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemDateAndTimeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetSystemDateAndTime( {
DateTimeType => $some_value, # SetDateTimeType
DaylightSavings => $some_value, # boolean
TimeZone => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::TimeZone
TZ => $some_value, # token
UTCDateTime => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::DateTime
Time => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Time
Hour => $some_value, # int
Minute => $some_value, # int
Second => $some_value, # int
Date => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Date
Year => $some_value, # int
Month => $some_value, # int
Day => $some_value, # int
A device shall provide the UTCDateTime information.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemDateAndTimeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemDateAndTime( {
This operation reloads the parameters on the device to their factory default values.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetSystemFactoryDefaultResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetSystemFactoryDefault( {
FactoryDefault => $some_value, # FactoryDefaultType
This operation upgrades a device firmware version. After a successful upgrade the response message is sent before the device reboots. The device should support firmware upgrade through the UpgradeSystemFirmware command. The exact format of the firmware data is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::UpgradeSystemFirmwareResponse object.
$response = $interface->UpgradeSystemFirmware( {
Firmware => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AttachmentData
Include => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Include
This operation reboots the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SystemRebootResponse object.
$response = $interface->SystemReboot( {
This operation restores the system backup configuration files(s) previously retrieved from a device. The device should support restore of backup configuration file(s) through the RestoreSystem command. The exact format of the backup configuration file(s) is outside the scope of this standard. If the command is supported, it shall accept backup files returned by the GetSystemBackup command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::RestoreSystemResponse object.
$response = $interface->RestoreSystem( {
BackupFiles => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::BackupFile
Name => $some_value, # string
Data => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AttachmentData
Include => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Include
This operation is retrieves system backup configuration file(s) from a device. The device should support return of back up configuration file(s) through the GetSystemBackup command. The backup is returned with reference to a name and mime-type together with binary data. The exact format of the backup configuration files is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemBackupResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemBackup( {
This operation gets a system log from the device. The exact format of the system logs is outside the scope of this standard.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemLogResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemLog( {
LogType => $some_value, # SystemLogType
This operation gets arbitrary device diagnostics information from the device.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetSystemSupportInformationResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetSystemSupportInformation( {
Configurable Fixed scope parameters are permanent device characteristics and cannot be removed through the device management interface. The scope type is indicated in the scope list returned in the get scope parameters response. A device shall support retrieval of discovery scope parameters through the GetScopes command. As some scope parameters are mandatory, the device shall return a non-empty scope list in the response.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetScopes( {
This operation sets the scope parameters of a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message. This operation replaces all existing configurable scope parameters (not fixed parameters). If this shall be avoided, one should use the scope add command instead. The device shall support configuration of discovery scope parameters through the SetScopes command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetScopes( {
Scopes => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation adds new configurable scope parameters to a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message. The device shall support addition of discovery scope parameters through the AddScopes command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::AddScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->AddScopes( {
ScopeItem => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation deletes scope-configurable scope parameters from a device. The scope parameters are used in the device discovery to match a probe message, see Section 7. The device shall support deletion of discovery scope parameters through the RemoveScopes command. Table
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::RemoveScopesResponse object.
$response = $interface->RemoveScopes( {
ScopeItem => $some_value, # anyURI
This operation gets the discovery mode of a device. See Section 7.2 for the definition of the different device discovery modes. The device shall support retrieval of the discovery mode setting through the GetDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDiscoveryMode( {
This operation sets the discovery mode operation of a device. See Section 7.2 for the definition of the different device discovery modes. The device shall support configuration of the discovery mode setting through the SetDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDiscoveryMode( {
DiscoveryMode => $some_value, # DiscoveryMode
This operation gets the remote discovery mode of a device. See Section 7.4 for the definition of remote discovery extensions. A device that supports remote discovery shall support retrieval of the remote discovery mode setting through the GetRemoteDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetRemoteDiscoveryMode( {
This operation sets the remote discovery mode of operation of a device. See Section 7.4 for the definition of remote discovery remote extensions. A device that supports remote discovery shall support configuration of the discovery mode setting through the SetRemoteDiscoveryMode command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteDiscoveryModeResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetRemoteDiscoveryMode( {
RemoteDiscoveryMode => $some_value, # DiscoveryMode
This operation gets the remote DP address or addresses from a device. If the device supports remote discovery, as specified in Section 7.4, the device shall support retrieval of the remote DP address(es) through the GetDPAddresses command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetDPAddressesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetDPAddresses( {
A client can ask for the device service endpoint reference address property that can be used to derive the password equivalent for remote user operation. The device shall support the GetEndpointReference command returning the address property of the device service endpoint reference.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetEndpointReferenceResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetEndpointReference( {
The algorithm to use for deriving the password is described in section of the core specification.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetRemoteUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetRemoteUser( {
To remove the remote user SetRemoteUser should be called without the RemoteUser parameter.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetRemoteUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetRemoteUser( {
RemoteUser => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::RemoteUser
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UseDerivedPassword => $some_value, # boolean
This operation lists the registered users and corresponding credentials on a device. The device shall support retrieval of registered device users and their credentials for the user token through the GetUsers command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetUsers( {
ONVIF compliant devices are recommended to support password length of at least 28 bytes, as clients may follow the password derivation mechanism which results in 'password equivalent' of length 28 bytes, as described in section 3.1.2 of the ONVIF security white paper.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::CreateUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->CreateUsers( {
User => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::User
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UserLevel => $some_value, # UserLevel
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::UserExtension
This operation deletes users on a device. The device shall support deletion of device users and their credentials through the DeleteUsers command. A device may have one or more fixed users that cannot be deleted to ensure access to the unit. Either all users are deleted successfully or a fault message shall be returned and no users be deleted.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::DeleteUsersResponse object.
$response = $interface->DeleteUsers( {
Username => $some_value, # string
This operation updates the settings for one or several users on a device for authentication purposes. The device shall support update of device users and their credentials through the SetUser command. Either all change requests are processed successfully or a fault message shall be returned and no change requests be processed.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetUserResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetUser( {
User => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::User
Username => $some_value, # string
Password => $some_value, # string
UserLevel => $some_value, # UserLevel
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::UserExtension
It is possible for an endpoint to request a URL that can be used to retrieve the complete schema and WSDL definitions of a device. The command gives in return a URL entry point where all the necessary product specific WSDL and schema definitions can be retrieved. The device shall provide a URL for WSDL and schema download through the GetWsdlUrl command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetWsdlUrlResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetWsdlUrl( {
Any endpoint can ask for the capabilities of a device using the capability exchange request response operation. The device shall indicate all its ONVIF compliant capabilities through the GetCapabilities command. The capability list includes references to the addresses (XAddr) of the service implementing the interface operations in the category. Apart from the addresses, the capabilities only reflect optional functions.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetCapabilitiesResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetCapabilities( {
Category => $some_value, # CapabilityCategory
This operation sets the remote DP address or addresses on a device. If the device supports remote discovery, as specified in Section 7.4, the device shall support configuration of the remote DP address(es) through the SetDPAddresses command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::SetDPAddressesResponse object.
$response = $interface->SetDPAddresses( {
DPAddress => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHost
Type => $some_value, # NetworkHostType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
DNSname => $some_value, # DNSName
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::NetworkHostExtension
This operation is used by an endpoint to get the hostname from a device. The device shall return its hostname configurations through the GetHostname command.
Returns a ONVIF::Device::Elements::GetHostnameResponse object.
$response = $interface->GetHost