ttfdump (1)
ttfdump - Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font fileSYNOPSIS
ttfdump [-h] [-t tablename] [-g glyphnumber] [-c collection] [-o dumpfile] [-i] ttfileDESCRIPTION
ttfdump dumps the contents of a TrueType font file in ASCII form. A TrueType font file is consist of various tables. Those table are divided into two categories - Required Tables and Optional Tables. Mulitiple TrueType fonts can be merged to a TrueType Collection.Options
- -h
- Print a help message on standard output and exit.
- -t tablename
If this option is specified then dump the table "tablename", otherwise
dump every tables in ttfile.
Tablename can be one of the following:
- Required Tables
- cmap
- character to glyph mapping table
- glyf
- glyph data
- head
- font header
- hhea
- horizontal header
- hmtx
- horizontal metrics
- loca
- index to location
- maxp
- maximum profile
- name
- naming table
- post
- PostScript information
- OS/2
- OS/2 and windows specific metrics
- Optional Tables
- cvt
- control value table
- fpgm
- font program; not implemented yet.
- gasp
- grid-fitting and scan conversion procedure (grayscale)
- hdmx
- horizontal device metrics
- kern
- kerning table
- Linear threshold table
- prep
- CVT program; not implemented yet
- PCL5 table
- Vertical Device Metrics table
- vhea
- vertical metrics header
- vmtx
- vertical metrics
- Additional OpenType Tables
- glyph positioning table
- glyph substitution table
- -g glyphnumber
- If this option is specified then dump the glyph with index glyphnumber, otherwise dump all glyphs in ttfile.
- -c collection
- Select a TrueType font in a TrueType Collection.
- -o dumpfile
- Output of the dump. If this option is not specified, dump to stdout.
- -i ttfile
- TrueType font file to be dumped.
To dump all information in the TrueType font file times.ttf:- ttfdump times.ttf
To dump the required table cmap in the file:
- ttfdump -t cmap times.ttf
To dump a single glyph with index 50:
- ttfdump -g 50 times.ttf