ppmqvga (1)
ppmqvga - 8 plane quantizationSYNOPSIS
ppmqvga [ options ] [ input file ]DESCRIPTION
ppmqvga quantizes PPM files to 8 planes, with optional Floyd-Steinberg dithering. Input is a PPM file from the file named, or standard input of no file is provided.Options
-d dither. Apply Floyd-Steinberg dithering to the data-q quiet. Produces no progress reporting, and no terminal output unless and error occurs.
-v verbose. Produces additional output describing the number of colors found, and some information on the resulting mapping. May be repeated to generate loads of internal table output, but generally only useful once.
ppmqvga -d my_image.ppm | ppmtogif >my_image.giftgatoppm zombie.tga | ppmqvga | ppmtotif > zombie.tif