janinoc (1)
Janino - a runtime Java Compiler.
janinoc [options] source-file ...
- Janino is a compiler that reads a Java expression, block, class body, source file or a set of source files, and generates Java bytecode that is loaded and executed directly. Janino is not intended to be a development tool, but an embedded compiler for run-time compilation purposes, e.g. expression evaluators or "server pages" engines like JSP.
- janinoc is a front-end that compiles all specified input files.
-d output-dir
- Where to save class files
- -sourcepath dirlist, -extdirs dirlist, -bootclasspath dirlist
Where to look for other source files
- -encoding encoding
Encoding of source files, e.g. "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1"
- -verbose
More output.
- -g [none|{lines,vars,source}]
Generate all, no, or only some debugging info.
- -warn:pattern-list
Issue certain warnings, examples:
-warn:* All warnings
-warn:IASF Only warn against implicit access to static fields
-warn:*-IASF Enables all warnings, except those against implicit access to static fields
-warn:*-IA*+IASF Enables all warnings, except those against implicit accesses, but do warn against implicit access to static fields
- -rebuild
Compile all source files, even if the class files seems up-to-date
- -help
Prints a help message
The Janino Team janino.net
Arno Unkrig <aunkrig@codehaus.org>