gcloud_topic_formats (1)
- gcloud topic formats - resource formats supplementary help
Most gcloud commands return a list of resources on success. By default they are pretty-printed on the standard output. The --format=NAME[ATTRIBUTES](PROJECTION) and --filter=EXPRESSION flags along with projections can be used to format and change the default output to a more meaningful result.
To change the default output format of a command, use the --format flag. Resource formats are described in detail below.
To select resources to be listed, use the --filter flag. For details run $ gcloud topic filters.
To reach resource items through a unique path of names from the root, use resource-keys. For details run $ gcloud topic resource-keys.
To list a subset of resource keys in a resource, use projections. For details run $ gcloud topic projections.
To work through an interactive tutorial about using the filter and format flags instead, see: console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/open?git_repo=https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-shell-tutorials&page=editor&tutorial=cloudsdk/tutorial.md
A format expression is used to change the default output format of a command. Many output formats are available; some for pretty printing human-readable output and others for returning machine-readable output.
A format expression has 3 parts:
- name
- [ [no-]attribute-name[=value] [, ... ] ]
( resource-key [, ...] )
NAME is required, ATTRIBUTES are optional, and PROJECTIONS may
be required for some formats. Unknown attribute names are silently ignored.
Each gcloud list command has a default format expression. The
--format flag can alter or replace the default. For example,
- --format='[box]'
adds box decorations to a default table, and
- --format=json
lists the resource in json format.
The formats and format specific attributes are:
- config
A dictionary of dictionaries in config style.
The format attributes are:
- export
- Display the dictionary as a list of system specific environment export commands.
- unset
Display the dictionary as a list of system specific environment unset commands.
- csv
Comma Separated Values (www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4180.txt with no keys. This
format requires a projection to define the values to be printed.
The format attributes are:
- delimiter="string"
- The string printed between list value items, default ";".
- no-heading
- Disables the initial key name heading record.
- separator="string"
- The string printed between values, default ",".
- terminator="string"
The string printed after each record, default "\n" (newline).
- default
An alias for the yaml format.
- diff
A unified diff of the first two projection columns.
The format attributes are:
- format
The format of the diffed resources. Each resource is converted to this format
and the diff of the converted resources is displayed. The default is
- disable
Disables formatted output and does not consume the resources.
- flattened
A flattened tree. Each output line contains one key:value pair.
The format attributes are:
- no-pad
- Don't print space after the separator. The default adjusts the space to align the values into the same output column. Use no-pad for comparing resource outputs.
- separator=SEPARATOR
Print SEPARATOR between the key and value. The default is ":
- get
Equivalent to the value[no-transforms] format. Default transforms are not
applied to the displayed values.
- json
JSON (www.json.org JavaScript Object Notation.
The format attributes are:
- no-undefined
Does not display resource data items with null values.
- list
An ordered list of items.
The format attributes are:
- always-display-title
- Display the title even if there are no records.
- compact
Display all items in a record on one line.
- multi
Each projection key must have a subformat defined by the :format=FORMAT-STRING
attribute. For example,
- `--format="multi(data:format=json, info:format='table[box](a, b, c)')"`
formats the data field as JSON and the info field as a boxed table.
- none
Disables formatted output and consumes the resources.
- object
Bypasses JSON-serialization and prints the object representation of each
The format attributes are:
- separator
- The line printed between resources.
- terminator
The line printed after each resource.
- table
Aligned left-adjusted columns with optional title, column headings and sorting.
This format requires a projection to define the table columns. The default
column headings are the disambiguated right hand components of the column keys
in ANGRY_SNAKE_CASE. For example, the projection keys (first.name, last.name)
produce the default column heading ('NAME', 'LAST_NAME').
If --page-size=N is specified then output is grouped into tables with at most N rows. Headings, alignment and sorting are done per-page. The title, if any, is printed before the first table.
The format attributes are:
- all-box
- Prints a box around the entire table and each cell, including the title if any.
- box
- Prints a box around the entire table and the title cells if any.
- Prints the key data indented by 4 spaces using FORMAT-STRING which can reference any of the supported formats.
- no-heading
- Disables the column headings.
- margin=N
- Right hand side padding when one or more columns are wrapped.
- pad=N
- Sets the column horizontal pad to N spaces. The default is 1 for box, 2 otherwise.
- title=TITLE
- Prints a centered TITLE at the top of the table, within the table box if box is enabled.
- width=N
The table width. The default is the terminal width or 80 if the output is not a
- text
An alias for the flattened format.
- value
CSV with no heading and <TAB> separator instead of <COMMA>. Used to retrieve
individual resource values. This format requires a projection to define the
value(s) to be printed.
The format attributes are:
- delimiter="string"
- The string printed between list value items, default ";".
- quote
- "..." quote values that contain delimiter, separator or terminator strings.
- separator="string"
- The string printed between values, default "\t" (tab).
- terminator="string"
The string printed after each record, default "\n" (newline).
- yaml
YAML (www.yaml.org YAML ain't markup language.
The format attributes are:
- null=string
- Display string instead of null for null/None values.
- no-undefined
Does not display resource data items with null values.
All formats have these attributes:
- disable
- Disables formatted output and does not consume the resources.
- json-decode
- Decodes string values that are JSON compact encodings of list and dictionary objects. This may become the default.
- pager
- If True, sends output to a pager.
- private
- Disables log file output. Use this for sensitive resource data that should not be displayed in log files. Explicit command line IO redirection overrides this attribute.
- transforms
Apply projection transforms to the resource values. The default is format
specific. Use no-transforms to disable.
List a table of compute instance resources sorted by name with box decorations and title Instances:
$ gcloud compute instances list \
zone:label=zone, status)"
List a nested table of the quotas of a region:
$ gcloud compute regions describe us-central1 \
Print a flattened list of global quotas in CSV format:
$ gcloud compute project-info describe --flatten="quotas[]" \
List the disk interfaces for all compute instances as a compact comma separated list:
$ gcloud compute instances list \
List the URIs for all compute instances:
- $ gcloud compute instances list --format="value(uri())"
List all compute instances with their creation timestamps displayed according to the local timezone:
$ gcloud compute instances list \
List the project authenticated user email address:
- $ gcloud info --format="value(config.account)"
List resources filtered on repeated fields by projecting subfields on a repeated message:
$ gcloud alpha genomics readgroupsets list \
Return the scope of the current instance:
- $ gcloud compute zones list --format="value(selfLink.scope())"
selfLink is a fully qualified name. (e.g. 'www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a The previous example returns a list of just the names of each zone (e.g. 'us-central1-a'). This is because selfLink.scope() grabs the last part of the URL segment. To extract selfLink starting from /projects and return the scope of the current instance:
$ gcloud compute zones list \
List all scopes enabled for a Compute Engine instance and flatten the multi-valued resource:
$ gcloud compute instances list \
--format="flattened(name,serviceAccounts[].email,serviceAccounts\ [].scopes[].basename())"
Display a multi-valued resource's service account keys with the corresponding service account, extracting just the first '/' delimited part with segment(0):
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys list \
--project=test-minutia-123 \
--format="table(name.scope(serviceAccounts).segment(0):label='se\ rvice Account',name.scope(keys):label='keyID',validAfterTime)"
The last example returns a table with service account names without their full paths, keyID and validity.