gcloud_compute_routers_update (1)
- gcloud compute routers update - update a Google Compute Engine router
gcloud compute routers update NAME [--advertisement-mode=MODE] [--async] [--region=REGION] [--set-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...]] [--set-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,...]] [--add-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...] | --add-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,...] | --remove-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...] | --remove-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE,...]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
gcloud compute routers update is used to update a Google Compute Engine
Name of the router to update.
- --advertisement-mode=MODE
The new advertisement mode for this router. MODE must be one of:
- Custom (user-configured) BGP advertisements.
- Default (Google-managed) BGP advertisements.
- --async
Display information about the operation in progress, without waiting for the
operation to complete.
- --region=REGION
Region of the router to update. If not specified, you may be prompted to select
a region.
To avoid prompting when this flag is omitted, you can set the compute/region property:
- $ gcloud config set compute/region REGION
A list of regions can be fetched by running:
- $ gcloud compute regions list
To unset the property, run:
- $ gcloud config unset compute/region
Alternatively, the region can be stored in the environment variable CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION.
- --set-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...]
The list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to dynamically advertise on this
router. This list can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
GROUP must be (currently only one value is supported):
- Automatically advertise all available subnets.
- --set-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,...]
The list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to dynamically advertise on
this router. Each IP range can (optionally) be given a text description DESC.
For example, to advertise a specific range, use
--set-advertisement-ranges= To store a description
with the range, use
--set-advertisement-ranges= This list can
only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --add-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...]
A list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to dynamically advertise on this
router. This list is appended to any existing advertisements. This field can
only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
GROUP must be (currently only one value is supported):
- Automatically advertise all available subnets.
- --add-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE=DESC,...]
A list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to dynamically advertise on this
router. This list is appended to any existing advertisements. Each IP range can
(optionally) be given a text description DESC. For example, to advertise a
specific range, use --advertisement-ranges= To store a
description with the range, use
--advertisement-ranges= This list can only
be specified in custom advertisement mode.
- --remove-advertisement-groups=[GROUP,...]
A list of pre-defined groups of IP ranges to remove from dynamic advertisement
on this router. Each group in the list must exist in the current set of custom
advertisements. This field can only be specified in custom advertisement mode.
GROUP must be (currently only one value is supported):
- Automatically advertise all available subnets.
- --remove-advertisement-ranges=[CIDR_RANGE,...]
A list of individual IP ranges, in CIDR format, to remove from dynamic
advertisement on this router. Each IP range in the list must exist in the
current set of custom advertisements. This field can only be specified in custom
advertisement mode.
These flags are available to all commands: --account, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run $ gcloud help for details.
These variants are also available:
- $ gcloud alpha compute routers update $ gcloud beta compute routers update