gcloud_composer_environments_update (1)
- gcloud composer environments update - update properties of a Cloud Composer environment
gcloud composer environments update (ENVIRONMENT : --location=LOCATION) (--node-count=NODE_COUNT | --update-airflow-configs=[KEY=VALUE,...] --clear-airflow-configs | --remove-airflow-configs=[KEY,...] | --update-env-variables=[NAME=VALUE,...] --clear-env-variables | --remove-env-variables=[NAME,...] | --update-labels=[KEY=VALUE,...] --clear-labels | --remove-labels=[KEY,...] | --update-pypi-packages-from-file=UPDATE_PYPI_PACKAGES_FROM_FILE | --update-pypi-package=PACKAGE[EXTRAS_LIST]VERSION_SPECIFIER --clear-pypi-packages | --remove-pypi-packages=[PACKAGE,...]) [--async] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
Environment resource - The environment to update. The arguments in this group
can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes
are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways. To set the
[project] attribute: provide the argument [environment] on the command line with
a fully specified name; provide the argument [--project] on the command line;
set the property [core/project]. This must be specified.
ID of the environment or fully qualified identifier for the environment. This
positional must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are
- --location=LOCATION
Compute Engine region in which to create the environment.
Environment resource - The environment to update. The arguments in this group
can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes
are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways. To set the
[project] attribute: provide the argument [environment] on the command line with
a fully specified name; provide the argument [--project] on the command line;
set the property [core/project]. This must be specified.
The update type. Exactly one of these must be specified:
- --node-count=NODE_COUNT
The new number of nodes running the Environment. Must be >= 3.
- --update-airflow-configs=[KEY=VALUE,...]
A list of Airflow config override KEY=VALUE pairs to set. If a config override
already exists, its value is updated; otherwise a new config override is
KEYs should specify the configuration section and property name, separated by a hyphen, for example core-print_stats_interval. The section may not contain a closing square brace or period. The property name must be non-empty and may not contain an equals sign, semicolon, or period. By convention, property names are spelled with snake_case. VALUEs may contain any character.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --clear-airflow-configs
Remove all Airflow config overrides from the environment.
- --remove-airflow-configs=[KEY,...]
A list of Airflow config override keys to remove.
- --update-env-variables=[NAME=VALUE,...]
A list of environment variable NAME=VALUE pairs to set and provide to the Aiflow
scheduler, worker, and webserver processes. If an environment variable already
exists, its value is updated; otherwise a new environment variable is created.
NAMEs are the environment variable names and may contain upper and lowercase letters, digits, and underscores; they must not begin with a digit.
User-specified environment variables should not be used to set Airflow configuration properties. Instead use the --update-airflow-configs flag.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --clear-env-variables
Remove all environment variables from the environment.
Environment variables that have system-provided defaults cannot be unset with the --remove-env-variables or --clear-env-variables flags; only the user-supplied overrides will be removed.
- --remove-env-variables=[NAME,...]
A list of environment variables to remove.
Environment variables that have system-provided defaults cannot be unset with the --remove-env-variables or --clear-env-variables flags; only the user-supplied overrides will be removed.
- --update-labels=[KEY=VALUE,...]
List of label KEY=VALUE pairs to update. If a label exists its value is
modified, otherwise a new label is created.
Keys must start with a lowercase character and contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers. Values must contain only hyphens (-), underscores (_), lowercase characters, and numbers.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --clear-labels
Remove all labels. If --update-labels is also specified then
--clear-labels is applied first.
For example, to remove all labels:
- $ gcloud composer environments update --clear-labels
To set the labels to exactly "foo" and "baz":
$ gcloud composer environments update --clear-labels \
--update-labels foo=bar,baz=qux
- --remove-labels=[KEY,...]
List of label keys to remove. If a label does not exist it is silently ignored.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --update-pypi-packages-from-file=UPDATE_PYPI_PACKAGES_FROM_FILE
The path to a file containing a list of PyPI packages to install in the
environment. Each line in the file should contain a package specification in the
format of the update-pypi-package argument defined above. The path can be a
local file path or a Google Cloud Storage file path (Cloud Storage file path
starts with 'gs://').
A PyPI package add to the environment. If a package already exists, its value is
updated; otherwise a new package is installed.
The value takes the form of: PACKAGE[EXTRAS_LIST]VERSION_SPECIFIER, as one would specify in a pip requirements file.
PACKAGE is specified as a package name such as numpy. EXTRAS_LIST is a comma-delimited list of PEP 508 distribution extras that may be empty, in which case the enclosing square brackets may be omitted. VERSION_SPECIFIER is an optional PEP 440 version specifier. If both EXTRAS_LIST and VERSION_SPECIFIER are omitted, the = and everything to the right may be left empty.
This is a repeated argument that can be specified multiple times to update multiple packages. If PACKAGE appears more than once, the last value will be used.
At most one of these may be specified:
- --clear-pypi-packages
Remove all PyPI packages from the environment.
PyPI packages that are required by the environment's core software cannot be uninstalled with the --remove-pypi-packages or --clear-pypi-packages flags.
- --remove-pypi-packages=[PACKAGE,...]
A list of PyPI package names to remove.
PyPI packages that are required by the environment's core software cannot be uninstalled with the --remove-pypi-packages or --clear-pypi-packages flags.
The update type. Exactly one of these must be specified:
- --async
Display information about the operation in progress, without waiting for the
operation to complete.
These flags are available to all commands: --account, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run $ gcloud help for details.
These variants are also available:
- $ gcloud alpha composer environments update $ gcloud beta composer environments update