gcloud_beta_iam_roles_update (1)
- gcloud beta iam roles update - update an IAM custom role
gcloud beta iam roles update ROLE_ID [--file=FILE] [--organization=ORGANIZATION] [--add-permissions=ADD_PERMISSIONS --description=DESCRIPTION --permissions=PERMISSIONS --remove-permissions=REMOVE_PERMISSIONS --stage=STAGE --title=TITLE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
(BETA) This command updates an IAM custom role.
- The id of the custom role to update. For example: CustomRole. You must also specify the --organization or --project flag.
- The id of the custom role to update. For example: CustomRole. You must also specify the --organization or --project flag.
- --file=FILE
The Yaml file you want to use to update a role. Can not be specified with other
flags except role-id.
- --organization=ORGANIZATION
The organization of the role you want to update.
The following flags determine the fields need to be updated. You can update a
role by specifying the following flags, or you can update a role from a Yaml
file by specifying the file flag.
- --add-permissions=ADD_PERMISSIONS
The permissions you want to add to the role. Use commas to separate them.
- --description=DESCRIPTION
The description of the role you want to update.
- --permissions=PERMISSIONS
The permissions of the role you want to set. Use commas to separate them.
- --remove-permissions=REMOVE_PERMISSIONS
The permissions you want to remove from the role. Use commas to separate them.
- --stage=STAGE
The state of the role you want to update.
- --title=TITLE
The title of the role you want to update.
These flags are available to all commands: --account, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run $ gcloud help for details.
To update a role from a Yaml file, run:
$ gcloud beta iam roles update viewer --organization 123 \
--file role_file_path
To update a role with flags, run:
$ gcloud beta iam roles update viewer --project myproject \
--permissions permission1,permission2
This command is currently in BETA and may change without notice. These variants are also available:
- $ gcloud iam roles update $ gcloud alpha iam roles update