gcloud_beta_compute_health-checks_create_http (1)
- gcloud beta compute health-checks create http - create a HTTP health check to monitor load balanced instances
gcloud beta compute health-checks create http NAME [--check-interval=CHECK_INTERVAL; default="5s"] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--healthy-threshold=HEALTHY_THRESHOLD; default=2] [--host=HOST] [--proxy-header=PROXY_HEADER; default="NONE"] [--request-path=REQUEST_PATH; default="/"] [--response=RESPONSE] [--timeout=TIMEOUT; default="5s"] [--unhealthy-threshold=UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD; default=2] [--port=PORT; default=80 --port-name=PORT_NAME --use-serving-port] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
(BETA) gcloud beta compute health-checks create http is used to
Name of the HTTP health check to create.
- --check-interval=CHECK_INTERVAL; default="5s"
How often to perform a health check for an instance. For example, specifying
10s will run the check every 10 seconds. The default value is
5s. See $ gcloud topic datetimes for information on duration
- --description=DESCRIPTION
An optional string description for the HTTP health check.
- --healthy-threshold=HEALTHY_THRESHOLD; default=2
The number of consecutive successful health checks before an unhealthy instance
is marked as healthy. The default is 2.
- --host=HOST
The value of the host header used in this HTTP health check request. By default,
this is empty and Google Compute Engine automatically sets the host header in
health requests to the same external IP address as the forwarding rule
associated with the target pool.
- --proxy-header=PROXY_HEADER; default="NONE"
The type of proxy protocol header to be sent to the backend. PROXY_HEADER
must be one of:
- No proxy header is added.
- Adds the header "PROXY UNKNOWN\r\n".
- --request-path=REQUEST_PATH; default="/"
The request path that this health check monitors. For example,
/healthcheck. The default value is ``/''.
- --response=RESPONSE
When empty, status code of the response determines health. When not empty,
presence of specified string in first 1024 characters of response body
determines health. Only ASCII characters allowed.
- --timeout=TIMEOUT; default="5s"
If Google Compute Engine doesn't receive a healthy response from the instance by
the time specified by the value of this flag, the health check request is
considered a failure. For example, specifying 10s will cause the
check to wait for 10 seconds before considering the request a failure. The
default value is 5s. See $ gcloud topic datetimes for information on
duration formats.
- --unhealthy-threshold=UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD; default=2
The number of consecutive health check failures before a healthy instance is
marked as unhealthy. The default is 2.
These flags configure the port that the health check monitors. If none is
specified, the default port of 80 is used; if both --port and
--port-name are specified, --port takes precedence.
- --port=PORT; default=80
The TCP port number that this health check monitors.
- --port-name=PORT_NAME
The port name that this health check monitors. By default, this is empty.
- --use-serving-port
If given, use the "serving port" for health checks:
- *
- When health checking network endpoints in a Network Endpoint Group, use the port specified with each endpoint.
- *
- When health checking other backends, use the port or named port of the backend service.
These flags are available to all commands: --account, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run $ gcloud help for details.
This command is currently in BETA and may change without notice. These variants are also available:
- $ gcloud compute health-checks create http $ gcloud alpha compute health-checks create http