gcloud_alpha_builds_worker-pools_update (1)
- gcloud alpha builds worker-pools update - update a workerpool used by Google Cloud Build
gcloud alpha builds worker-pools update ([[WORKER_POOL : --worker-count=WORKER_COUNT --add-regions=[REGION,...] --clear-regions --remove-regions=[REGION,...] --worker-disk-size=WORKER_DISK_SIZE --worker-machine-type=WORKER_MACHINE_TYPE --worker-tag=WORKER_TAG --worker-network-name=WORKER_NETWORK_NAME --worker-network-project=WORKER_NETWORK_PROJECT --worker-network-subnet=WORKER_NETWORK_SUBNET]]] --config-from-file=CONFIG_FROM_FILE) [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
(ALPHA) Update a worker pool used by Google Cloud Build.
- Exactly one of these must be specified:
Command-line flags to configure the WorkerPool:
The WorkerPool to update. This positional must be specified if any of the other
arguments in this group are specified.
- --worker-count=WORKER_COUNT
Total number of workers to be created across all requested regions.
Update the Cloud region or regions in which the Workerpool is located. To
overwrite regions, use --clear-regions followed by --add-regions in the
same command. Choices: us-central1, us-west1, us-east1, and us-east4.
- --add-regions=[REGION,...]
Add regions, separated by comma.
- --clear-regions
Remove all regions.
- --remove-regions=[REGION,...]
Remove regions, separated by comma.
Configuration to be used for creating workers in the WorkerPool:
- --worker-disk-size=WORKER_DISK_SIZE
Size of the disk attached to the worker.
If not given, Cloud Build will use a standard disk size. --worker-disk-size is overridden if you specify a different disk size using --disk-size during gcloud builds submit.
- --worker-machine-type=WORKER_MACHINE_TYPE
Machine Type of the worker, such as n1-standard-1.
See cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-types
If left blank, Cloud Build will use a standard unspecified machine to create the worker pool.
--worker-machine-type is overridden if you specify a different machine type using --machine-type during gcloud builds submit.
- --worker-tag=WORKER_TAG
The tag applied to the worker, and the same tag used by the firewall rule.
It is used to identify the Cloud Build workers among other VMs. The default value for tag is worker.
The network definition used to create the worker. If all of these flags are
unused, the workers will be created in the WorkerPool's project on the default
network. You cannot specify just one of these flags: it is all or none. However,
you can set them to the empty string in order to use the default settings.
- --worker-network-name=WORKER_NETWORK_NAME
Network on which the workers are created.
default network is used if empty string.
- --worker-network-project=WORKER_NETWORK_PROJECT
ID of the project containing the given network and subnet.
The workerpool's project is used if empty string.
- --worker-network-subnet=WORKER_NETWORK_SUBNET
Subnet on which the workers are created.
default subnet is used if empty string.
- --config-from-file=CONFIG_FROM_FILE
A file that contains updates to the configuration for the WorkerPool.
Command-line flags to configure the WorkerPool:
- Exactly one of these must be specified:
These flags are available to all commands: --account, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run $ gcloud help for details.
This command is currently in ALPHA and may change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the right project, you will have to apply for early access and have your projects registered on the API whitelist to use it. To do so, contact Support at cloud.google.com/support