gcloud (1)
- gcloud - manage Google Cloud Platform resources and developer workflow
gcloud GROUP | COMMAND [--account=ACCOUNT] [--configuration=CONFIGURATION] [--flags-file=YAML_FILE] [--flatten=[KEY,...]] [--format=FORMAT] [--help] [--project=PROJECT_ID] [--quiet, -q] [--verbosity=VERBOSITY; default="warning"] [--version, -v] [-h] [--log-http] [--trace-token=TRACE_TOKEN] [--no-user-output-enabled]
- --account=ACCOUNT
Google Cloud Platform user account to use for invocation. Overrides the default
core/account property value for this command invocation.
- --configuration=CONFIGURATION
The configuration to use for this command invocation. For more information on
how to use configurations, run: gcloud topic configurations. You can also
use the [CLOUDSDK_ACTIVE_CONFIG_NAME] environment variable to set the equivalent
of this flag for a terminal session.
- --flags-file=YAML_FILE
A YAML or JSON file that specifies a --flag:value dictionary.
Useful for specifying complex flag values with special characters that work with
any command interpreter. Additionally, each --flags-file arg is
replaced by its constituent flags. See $ gcloud topic flags-file for more
- --flatten=[KEY,...]
Flatten name[] output resource slices in KEY into separate records
for each item in each slice. Multiple keys and slices may be specified. This
also flattens keys for --format and --filter. For example,
--flatten=abc.def flattens abc.def[].ghi references to
abc.def.ghi. A resource record containing abc.def[] with N elements
will expand to N records in the flattened output. This flag interacts with other
flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by,
--filter, --limit.
- --format=FORMAT
Set the format for printing command output resources. The default is a
command-specific human-friendly output format. The supported formats are:
config, csv, default, diff, disable,
flattened, get, json, list, multi, none,
object, table, text, value, yaml. For more details
run $ gcloud topic formats.
- --help
Display detailed help.
- --project=PROJECT_ID
The Google Cloud Platform project name to use for this invocation. If omitted,
then the current project is assumed; the current project can be listed using
gcloud config list --format='text(core.project)' and can be set using
gcloud config set project PROJECTID. Overrides the default
core/project property value for this command invocation.
- --quiet, -q
Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is
required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised. Overrides the
default core/disable_prompts property value for this command invocation. Must be
used at the beginning of commands. This is equivalent to setting the environment
- --verbosity=VERBOSITY; default="warning"
Override the default verbosity for this command with any of the supported
standard verbosity levels: debug, info, warning, error,
critical, none. Overrides the default core/verbosity property
value for this command invocation.
- --version, -v
Print version information and exit. This flag is only available at the global
- -h
Print a summary help and exit.
- --log-http
Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr. Overrides the default
core/log_http property value for this command invocation.
- --trace-token=TRACE_TOKEN
Token used to route traces of service requests for investigation of issues.
Overrides the default core/trace_token property value for this command
- --user-output-enabled
Print user intended output to the console. Overrides the default
core/user_output_enabled property value for this command invocation. Use
--no-user-output-enabled to disable.
GROUP is one of the following:
- alpha
(ALPHA) Alpha versions of gcloud commands.
- app
Manage your App Engine deployments.
- auth
Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK.
- beta
(BETA) Beta versions of gcloud commands.
- bigtable
Manage your Cloud Bigtable storage.
- builds
Create and manage builds for Google Cloud Build.
- components
List, install, update, or remove Google Cloud SDK components.
- composer
Create and manage Cloud Composer Environments.
- compute
Create and manipulate Google Compute Engine resources.
- config
View and edit Cloud SDK properties.
- container
Deploy and manage clusters of machines for running containers.
- dataflow
Manage Google Cloud Dataflow jobs.
- dataproc
Create and manage Google Cloud Dataproc clusters and jobs.
- datastore
Manage your Cloud Datastore indexes.
- debug
Commands for interacting with the Cloud Debugger.
- deployment-manager
Manage deployments of cloud resources.
- dns
Manage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets.
- domains
Manage domains for your Google Cloud projects.
- endpoints
Create, enable and manage API services.
- firebase
Work with Google Firebase.
- functions
Manage Google Cloud Functions.
- iam
Manage IAM service accounts and keys.
- iot
Manage Cloud IoT resources.
- kms
Manage cryptographic keys in the cloud.
- logging
Manage Stackdriver Logging.
- ml
Use Google Cloud machine learning capabilities.
- ml-engine
Manage Cloud ML Engine jobs and models.
- organizations
Create and manage Google Cloud Platform Organizations.
- projects
Create and manage project access policies.
- pubsub
Manage Cloud Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions.
- redis
Manage Cloud Memorystore Redis resources.
- services
List, enable and disable APIs and services.
- source
Cloud git repository commands.
- spanner
Command groups for Cloud Spanner.
- sql
Create and manage Google Cloud SQL databases.
- topic
gcloud supplementary help.
COMMAND is one of the following:
- docker
(DEPRECATED) Enable Docker CLI access to Google Container Registry.
- feedback
Provide feedback to the Google Cloud SDK team.
- help
Search gcloud help text.
- info
Display information about the current gcloud environment.
- init
Initialize or reinitialize gcloud.
- version
- Print version information for Cloud SDK components.