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GRASS GIS 7.2.1 Reference Manual
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. GRASS is currently used in academic and commercial settings around the world, as well as by many governmental agencies and environmental consulting companies.
This reference manual details the use of modules distributed with Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS), an open source (GNU GPLed), image processing and geographic information system (GIS). Go back to help overview
Display commands (d.*)
d.barscale Displays a barscale on the graphics monitor.
d.colorlist Outputs a list of all available display colors.
d.colortable Displays the color table associated with a raster map layer.
d.correlate Prints a graph of the correlation between raster maps (in
d.erase Erases the contents of the active graphics display frame
with user defined color.
d.font Selects the font in which text will be displayed on the
user's graphics monitor.
d.fontlist Lists the available fonts.
d.frame Manages display frames on the user's graphics monitor.
d.geodesic Displays a geodesic line, tracing the shortest distance
between two geographic points along a great circle, in a
longitude/latitude data set.
d.graph Program for generating and displaying simple graphics on the
display monitor.
d.grid Overlays a user-specified grid in the active display frame
on the graphics monitor.
d.his Displays the result obtained by combining hue, intensity,
and saturation (HIS) values from user-specified input raster
map layers.
d.histogram Displays a histogram in the form of a pie or bar chart for a
user-specified raster map.
d.info Displays information about the active display monitor.
d.labels Displays text labels (created with v.label) to the active
frame on the graphics monitor.
d.legend Displays a legend for a 2D or 3D raster map in the active
frame of the graphics monitor.
d.legend.vect Displays a vector legend in the active graphics frame.
d.linegraph Generates and displays simple line graphs in the active
graphics monitor display frame.
d.mon Controls graphics display monitors from the command line.
d.northarrow Displays a north arrow on the graphics monitor.
d.out.file Saves the contents of the active display monitor to a graph-
ics file.
d.path Finds shortest path for selected starting and ending node.
d.polar Draws polar diagram of angle map such as aspect or flow
d.profile Plots profile of a transect.
d.rast.arrow Draws arrows representing cell aspect direction for a raster
map containing aspect data.
d.rast.edit Edits cell values in a raster map.
d.rast Displays user-specified raster map in the active graphics
d.rast.leg Displays a raster map and its legend on a graphics window
d.rast.num Overlays cell category values on a raster map displayed in
the active graphics frame.
d.redraw Redraws the content of currently selected monitor.
d.rgb Displays three user-specified raster maps as red, green, and
blue overlays in the active graphics frame.
d.rhumbline Displays the rhumbline joining two longitude/latitude coor-
d.shade Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
d.text Draws text in the active display frame on the graphics moni-
tor using the current font.
d.title Create a TITLE for a raster map in a form suitable for dis-
play with d.text.
d.to.rast Saves the contents of the active display monitor to a raster
d.vect.chart Displays charts of vector data in the active frame on the
graphics monitor.
d.vect Displays user-specified vector map in the active graphics
d.vect.thematic Displays a thematic vector map in the active graphics frame.
d.what.rast Allows the user to interactively query raster map layers at
user-selected locations.
d.what.vect Allows the user to interactively query vector map layers at
user-selected locations.
d.where Identifies the geographic coordinates associated with point
locations given in display coordinates.
Database commands (db.*)
db.columns List all columns for a given table.
db.connect Prints/sets general DB connection for current mapset.
db.copy Copy a table.
db.createdb Creates an empty database.
db.databases Lists all databases for a given driver and location.
db.describe Describes a table in detail.
db.drivers Lists all database drivers.
db.dropcolumn Drops a column from selected attribute table.
db.dropdb Removes an existing database.
db.droptable Drops an attribute table.
db.execute Executes any SQL statement.
db.in.ogr Imports attribute tables in various formats.
db.login Sets user/password for DB driver/database.
db.out.ogr Exports attribute tables into various formats.
db.select Selects data from attribute table.
db.tables Lists all tables for a given database.
db.test Test database driver, database must exist and set by db.con-
db.univar Calculates univariate statistics on selected table column.
General commands (g.*)
g.access Controls access to the current mapset for other users on the
g.cairocomp Overlays multiple X Pixmaps.
g.copy Copies available data files in the current mapset search
path to the user's current mapset.
g.dirseps Internal GRASS utility for converting directory separator
g.extension.all Rebuilds or removes all locally installed GRASS Addons
g.extension Maintains GRASS Addons extensions in local GRASS installa-
g.filename Prints GRASS data base file names.
g.findetc Searches for GRASS support files.
g.findfile Searches for GRASS data base files and sets variables for
the shell.
g.gisenv Outputs and modifies the user's current GRASS variable set-
g.gui.animation Tool for animating a series of raster and vector maps or a
space time raster or vector dataset.
g.gui.datacatalog Tool for browsing, modifying and managing GRASS maps.
g.gui.dbmgr Launches graphical attribute table manager.
g.gui.gcp Georectifies a map and allows managing Ground Control
g.gui.gmodeler Graphical Modeler.
g.gui Launches a GRASS graphical user interface (GUI) session.
g.gui.iclass Tool for supervised classification of imagery data.
g.gui.mapswipe Interactively compares two maps by swiping a visibility bar.
g.gui.psmap Tool for creating hardcopy map outputs.
g.gui.rlisetup Configuration tool for r.li modules.
g.gui.timeline Allows comparing temporal datasets by displaying their tem-
poral extents in a plot.
g.gui.tplot Plots the values of temporal datasets.
g.gui.vdigit Interactive editing and digitization of vector maps.
g.list Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified
data type optionally using the search pattern.
g.manual Displays the manual pages of GRASS modules.
g.mapset Changes/reports current mapset.
g.mapsets Modifies/prints the user's current mapset search path.
g.message Prints a message, warning, progress info, or fatal error in
the GRASS way.
g.mkfontcap Generates the font configuration file by scanning various
directories for fonts.
g.parser Provides automated parser, GUI, and help support for GRASS
g.pnmcomp Overlays multiple PPM image files.
g.ppmtopng Converts between PPM/PGM and PNG image formats.
g.proj Prints or modifies GRASS projection information files (in
various co-ordinate system descriptions).
g.region Manages the boundary definitions for the geographic region.
g.remove Removes data base element files from the user's current
mapset using the search pattern.
g.rename Renames data base element files in the user's current
g.search.modules Search in GRASS modules using keywords
g.tempfile Creates a temporary file and prints it's file name.
g.version Displays GRASS GIS version info.
Imagery commands (i.*)
i.albedo Computes broad band albedo from surface reflectance.
i.aster.toar Calculates Top of Atmosphere Radiance/Reflectance/Brightness
Temperature from ASTER DN.
i.atcorr Performs atmospheric correction using the 6S algorithm.
i.biomass Computes biomass growth, precursor of crop yield calcula-
i.cca Canonical components analysis (CCA) program for image pro-
i.cluster Generates spectral signatures for land cover types in an
image using a clustering algorithm.
i.colors.enhance Performs auto-balancing of colors for RGB images.