ebb (1)
extractbb, ebb - extract bounding box information from graphics files
extractbb [-v|-q] [-O] [-m|-x] file...
For each
If called as ebb, the output is written in the ``bb'' format (and with extension .bb) as used by dvipdfm. Xbb may be defined as a synomym for extractbb on your system.
- -v
- Be verbose.
- -q
- Be quiet.
- -O
- Write output to standard output.
- -m
- Write output in dvipdfm's ``bb'' format.
- -x
- Write output in dvipdfmx's ``xbb'' format (default), which is the same as that used by pdfTeX.
Here are more details about the bb and xbb formats:
The original ebb (from dvipdfm) ignored density information in bitmap images, and generated bounding boxes with 100px = 72bp = 1in. Unfortunately, screenshots (especially) tend to look bad with this approach.
So, extractbb (from dvipdfmx) uses density information if present. Otherwise, it generates bounding box with 100px = 100bp. This is what pdfTeX does.
There is currently no way to specify which bounding box is taken for
extractbb was written by the DVIPDFMx project team <dvipdfmx@ktug.or.kr>, based on the program ebb by Mark A. Wicks.
This manual page was also written by the DVIPDFMx project team, based on a manual page Frank K[:u]ster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used, modified, and/or redistributed by others without contacting the authors.