apertium-interchunk (1)
apertium-interchunk - This application is part of ( apertium )This tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: apertium.org.
apertium-interchunk [-tz] trules preproc [input [output]]DESCRIPTION
This is an intermediate tool from Apertium level 2 engine. You should never have to use it independently.It is the second transfer module of the Apertium level 2 transfer model after apertium-transfer and before apertium-postchunk.
It takes care of interchunk processing operations such as chunk reordering, changes in the morphosyntactical features of chunks according to the information in neighboring chunks, or generating new chunks.
-t trace mode
-z flush buffer on the null character
These are the kinds of files that can be used with this command:trules A rules file with extension .t2x.
preproc A file with extension .t2x.bin that holds the result of preprocessing the trules file with apertium-preprocess-transfer.
input, output Represent the input and output files. By default they are the standard input and standard output.