yuvscaler -V (return code: 1)
yuvscaler: invalid option -- '-'
**ERROR: [yuvscaler] Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!
yuvscaler --help (return code: 1)
yuvscaler: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvscaler -I [input_keyword] -M [mode_keyword] -O [output_keyword] [-S 0|1] [-n p|s|n] [-v 0-2] [-h]
yuvscaler UPscales or DOWNscales arbitrary-sized YUV frames coming from stdin (in YUV4MPEG 4:2:2 format)
to a specified YUV frame sizes to stdout. Please use yuvcorrect for interlacing or color corrections
yuvscaler is keyword driven :
-I for keyword concerning INPUT frame characteristics
-M for keyword concerning the scaling MODE of yuvscaler
-O for keyword concerning OUTPUT frame characteristics
Possible input keyword are:
USE_WidthxHeight+WidthOffset+HeightOffset to select a useful area of the input frame (all multiple of 2,
Height and HeightOffset multiple of 4 if interlaced), the rest of the image being discarded
ACTIVE_WidthxHeight+WidthOffset+HeightOffset to select an active area of the input frame (all multiple of 2,
Height and HeightOffset multiple of 4 if interlaced), the rest of the image being made black
Possible mode keyword are:
BICUBIC to use the (Mitchell-Netravalli) high-quality bicubic upscaling and/or downscaling algorithm
RESAMPLE to use a classical resampling algorithm -only for downscaling- that goes much faster than bicubic
For coherence reason, yuvscaler will use RESAMPLE if only downscaling is necessary, BICUBIC otherwise
WIDE2STD to converts widescreen (16:9) input frames to standard output (4:3), generating necessary black lines
RATIO_WidthIn_WidthOut_HeightIn_HeightOut to specified conversion ratios of
WidthIn/WidthOut for width and HeightIN/HeightOut for height to be applied to the useful area.
The output active area that results from scaling the input useful area might be different
from the display area specified thereafter using the -O KEYWORD syntax.
In that case, yuvscaler will automatically generate necessary black lines and columns and/or skip necessary
lines and columns to get an active output centered within the display size.
WIDE2VCD to transcode wide (16:9) frames to VCD (equivalent to -M WIDE2STD -O VCD)
FASTVCD to transcode full sized frames to VCD (equivalent to -M RATIO_2_1_2_1 -O VCD)
FAST_WIDE2VCD to transcode full sized wide (16:9) frames to VCD (-M WIDE2STD -M RATIO_2_1_2_1 -O VCD)
NO_HEADER to suppress stream header generation on output (chaining scaling with different ratios)
By default, yuvscaler will use either interlaced or not-interlaced scaling according to the input header interlace information.
If this information is missing in the header (cf. mpeg2dec), yuvscaler will use interlaced acaling
Possible output keywords are:
MONOCHROME to generate monochrome frames on output
VCD to generate VCD compliant frames, taking care of PAL and NTSC standards, not-interlaced/progressive frames
SVCD to generate SVCD compliant frames, taking care of PAL and NTSC standards, any interlacing types
DVD to generate DVD compliant frames, taking care of PAL and NTSC standards, any interlacing types
(SVCD and DVD: if input is not-interlaced/progressive, output interlacing will be taken as top_first)
HIRESSTILL to generate HIgh-RESolution STILL images: not-interlaced/progressive frames of size 704x(PAL-576,NTSC-480)
LOSVCDSTILL to generate LOw-resolution SVCD still images, not-interlaced/progressive frames, size 480x(PAL-576,NTSC-480)
LOVCDSTILL to generate LOw-resolution VCD still images, not-interlaced/progressive frames, size 352x(PAL-288,NTSC-240)
SIZE_WidthxHeight to generate frames of size WidthxHeight on output (multiple of 2, Height of 4 if interlaced)
-n (usually not necessary) if norm could not be determined from data flux, specifies the OUTPUT norm for VCD/SVCD p=pal,s=secam,n=ntsc
-v Specifies the degree of verbosity: 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h : print this lot!