yuvfps --version (return code: 0)
yuvfps: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvfps -r [NewFpsNum:NewFpsDen] [-s [InputFpsNum:InputFpsDen]] [-i NewInterlacing] [-I InputInterlacing] [-c] [-n] [-w] [-v -h]
yuvfps resamples a yuv video stream read from stdin to a new stream, identical
to the source with frames repeated/copied/removed written to stdout.
Alternatively each output frame/field can be produced as a weighted average
of two temporally closest input frames/fields.
-r Frame rate for the resulting stream (in X:Y fractional form)
-w Use weighted average of two temporally closest input frames/fields
-c Change only the output header, does not modify stream
-s Assume this source frame rate ignoring source YUV header
-i Interlacing for the resulting stream ('p', 't' or 'b')
-I Assume this source interlacing ignoring source YUV header
-n don't try to normalize the input framerate
-v Verbosity degree : 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h print this help
yuvfps --help (return code: 0)
yuvfps: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvfps -r [NewFpsNum:NewFpsDen] [-s [InputFpsNum:InputFpsDen]] [-i NewInterlacing] [-I InputInterlacing] [-c] [-n] [-w] [-v -h]
yuvfps resamples a yuv video stream read from stdin to a new stream, identical
to the source with frames repeated/copied/removed written to stdout.
Alternatively each output frame/field can be produced as a weighted average
of two temporally closest input frames/fields.
-r Frame rate for the resulting stream (in X:Y fractional form)
-w Use weighted average of two temporally closest input frames/fields
-c Change only the output header, does not modify stream
-s Assume this source frame rate ignoring source YUV header
-i Interlacing for the resulting stream ('p', 't' or 'b')
-I Assume this source interlacing ignoring source YUV header
-n don't try to normalize the input framerate
-v Verbosity degree : 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h print this help