yuvdeinterlace -V (return code: 1)
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -------------------------------------------------
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] Motion-Compensating-Deinterlacer
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -------------------------------------------------
yuvdeinterlace: invalid option -- '-'
yuvdeinterlace: invalid option -- 'e'
yuvdeinterlace: invalid option -- 'r'
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] forced bottom-field-first!
**ERROR: [yuvdeinterlace] Couldn't read YUV4MPEG header: system error (failed read/write)!
yuvdeinterlace --help (return code: 0)
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -------------------------------------------------
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] Motion-Compensating-Deinterlacer
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -------------------------------------------------
yuvdeinterlace: invalid option -- '-'
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] Usage of the deinterlacer
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -------------------------
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -v be verbose
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -d output both fields
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -a just antialias the frames! This will
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] assume progressive but aliased input.
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] you can use this to improve badly deinterlaced
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] footage. EG: deinterlaced with cubic-interpolation
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] or worse...
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -s [n=0/1] forces field-order in case of misflagged streams
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -s0 is bottom-field-first
INFO: [yuvdeinterlace] -s1 is top-field-first