yuvcorrect_tune -V (return code: 1)
INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] yuvcorrect_tune 2.1.0 (26-11-2002) is an interactive image correction utility for yuv frames
INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] (C) 2002 Xavier Biquard <xbiquard@free.fr>, yuvcorrect_tune -h for usage, or man yuvcorrect_tune
yuvcorrect_tune: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvcorrect_tune -I <filename> -F <Ref Frame> -M [mode_keyword] -Y [yuv_keyword] -R [RGB_keyword] [-v 0-2] [-h]
yuvcorrect_tune is an interactive tool enabling you to interactively tune different
corrections related to interlacing, luminance and color. <filename> defines the uncorrected
reference yuv frames (in yuv4MPEG 4:2:0 format)
Typical use is 'lav2yuv -f 1 <videofile> > frame ; cat fifo | yuvplay ; yuvcorrect_tune -I frame <keywords> > fifo'
yuvcorrect_tune is keyword driven :
-I <filename>
-F <Ref Frame> (optional)
-M for keyword concerning the correction MODE of yuvcorrect_tune
-Y for keyword concerning color corrections in the YUV space
-R for keyword concerning color corrections in the RGB space
Yuvcorrect_tune uses _only_ the first frame it reads from <filename> and all corrections defined on command
line will then be applied to this frame to generate the image frame.
It is to this image frame that color corrections will be applied, as defined by succesive keystrokes
on the keyboard. By default, the resulting corrected frame is then outputted to stdout.
But - using mode keywords - part of this corrected frame may be replaced by the corresponding part of a
Ref frame (-F keyword) like colorbars, thus enabling to visually adjust correction to match the reference frame.
Possible mode keyword are:
FULL (default)
HALF_LEFT The generated frame is now constituted of two different parts:
the left half shows the final reference uncorrected while the right half shows it corrected
HALF_RIGHT Same as HALF_LEFT except right and left are inversed
QUARTER_LEFT Same as HALF_LEFT except the uncorrected part is only a quarter of the image
QUARTER_RIGHT Same as HALF_RIGHT except the uncorrected part is only a quarter of the image
3QUARTER_LEFT The left three quarters of the image is uncorrected, the right quarter corrected
3QUARTER_RIGHT The right three quarters of the image is uncorrected, the left quarter corrected
TOP the top half is uncorrected, the bottom half is corrected
BOTTOM the bottom half is uncorrected, the top half is corrected
RGBFIRST to have yuvcorrect_tune apply RGB corrections first, then YUV corrections
Possible yuv keywords are:
to correct the input frame luminance by clipping it inside range [InputYmin;InputYmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputYmin;OutputYmax]
to rotate rescaled UV chroma components Ufactor*(U-Urotcenter) and Vfactor*(V-Vrotcenter)
by (float) UVrotation degrees, recenter to the normalize (128,128) center,
and _clip_ the result to range [UVmin;UVmax]
CONFORM to have yuvcorrect_tune generate frames conform to the Rec.601 specification for Y'CbCr frames
that is LUMINANCE_1.0_16_235_16_235 and CHROMINANCE_0.0_1.0_128_1.0_128_16_240
Possible RGB keywords are:
to correct the input frame RGB color by clipping it inside range [InputRGBmin;InputRGBmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputRGBmin;OutputRGBmax]
How to use the keyboard:
Pressing Y, U, V, R, G, B or M will tell yuvcorrect_tune that all following keystrokes refer to corrections applied to
Y values, UV values, UV values, R values, G values, B values, Mode of yuvcorrect_tune ; until ESCAPE is pressed
To define corrections, use Capital letter to increase and minor letter to decrease
Gamma values are changed by amount of 0.01, Ufactor and Vfactor by 0.05; UVrotation by amount of 1 degree; Integer values by 1
To modify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th parameter, use respectively e/E, r/R, t/T, y/Y, u/U, i/I, o/O
To modify yuvcorrect_tune mode, use keypad values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
For status, press S. To go back to default, press D. To quit, press Q.
-v Specifies the degree of verbosity: 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h : print this lot!
yuvcorrect_tune -HELP (return code: 1)
INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] yuvcorrect_tune 2.1.0 (26-11-2002) is an interactive image correction utility for yuv frames
INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] (C) 2002 Xavier Biquard <xbiquard@free.fr>, yuvcorrect_tune -h for usage, or man yuvcorrect_tune
yuvcorrect_tune: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvcorrect_tune -I <filename> -F <Ref Frame> -M [mode_keyword] -Y [yuv_keyword] -R [RGB_keyword] [-v 0-2] [-h]
yuvcorrect_tune is an interactive tool enabling you to interactively tune different
corrections related to interlacing, luminance and color. <filename> defines the uncorrected
reference yuv frames (in yuv4MPEG 4:2:0 format)
Typical use is 'lav2yuv -f 1 <videofile> > frame ; cat fifo | yuvplay ; yuvcorrect_tune -I frame <keywords> > fifo'
yuvcorrect_tune is keyword driven :
-I <filename>
-F <Ref Frame> (optional)
-M for keyword concerning the correction MODE of yuvcorrect_tune
-Y for keyword concerning color corrections in the YUV space
-R for keyword concerning color corrections in the RGB space
Yuvcorrect_tune uses _only_ the first frame it reads from <filename> and all corrections defined on command
line will then be applied to this frame to generate the image frame.
It is to this image frame that color corrections will be applied, as defined by succesive keystrokes
on the keyboard. By default, the resulting corrected frame is then outputted to stdout.
But - using mode keywords - part of this corrected frame may be replaced by the corresponding part of a
Ref frame (-F keyword) like colorbars, thus enabling to visually adjust correction to match the reference frame.
Possible mode keyword are:
FULL (default)
HALF_LEFT The generated frame is now constituted of two different parts:
the left half shows the final reference uncorrected while the right half shows it corrected
HALF_RIGHT Same as HALF_LEFT except right and left are inversed
QUARTER_LEFT Same as HALF_LEFT except the uncorrected part is only a quarter of the image
QUARTER_RIGHT Same as HALF_RIGHT except the uncorrected part is only a quarter of the image
3QUARTER_LEFT The left three quarters of the image is uncorrected, the right quarter corrected
3QUARTER_RIGHT The right three quarters of the image is uncorrected, the left quarter corrected
TOP the top half is uncorrected, the bottom half is corrected
BOTTOM the bottom half is uncorrected, the top half is corrected
RGBFIRST to have yuvcorrect_tune apply RGB corrections first, then YUV corrections
Possible yuv keywords are:
to correct the input frame luminance by clipping it inside range [InputYmin;InputYmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputYmin;OutputYmax]
to rotate rescaled UV chroma components Ufactor*(U-Urotcenter) and Vfactor*(V-Vrotcenter)
by (float) UVrotation degrees, recenter to the normalize (128,128) center,
and _clip_ the result to range [UVmin;UVmax]
CONFORM to have yuvcorrect_tune generate frames conform to the Rec.601 specification for Y'CbCr frames
that is LUMINANCE_1.0_16_235_16_235 and CHROMINANCE_0.0_1.0_128_1.0_128_16_240
Possible RGB keywords are:
to correct the input frame RGB color by clipping it inside range [InputRGBmin;InputRGBmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputRGBmin;OutputRGBmax]
How to use the keyboard:
Pressing Y, U, V, R, G, B or M will tell yuvcorrect_tune that all following keystrokes refer to corrections applied to
Y values, UV values, UV values, R values, G values, B values, Mode of yuvcorrect_tune ; until ESCAPE is pressed
To define corrections, use Capital letter to increase and minor letter to decrease
Gamma values are changed by amount of 0.01, Ufactor and Vfactor by 0.05; UVrotation by amount of 1 degree; Integer values by 1
To modify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th parameter, use respectively e/E, r/R, t/T, y/Y, u/U, i/I, o/O
To modify yuvcorrect_tune mode, use keypad values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
For status, press S. To go back to default, press D. To quit, press Q.
-v Specifies the degree of verbosity: 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h : print this lot!