yuvcorrect -V (return code: 1)
yuvcorrect: invalid option -- '-'
**ERROR: [yuvcorrect] Couldn't read yuv4mpeg header!
yuvcorrect --help (return code: 1)
yuvcorrect: invalid option -- '-'
usage: yuvcorrect -M [mode_keyword] -T [general_keyword] -Y [yuv_keyword] -R [RGB_keyword] [-v 0-2] [-h]
yuvcorrect applies different corrections related to interlacing and color
to yuv frames coming from stdin (in yuv4MPEG 4:2:0 format) to stdout.
In contrast to yuvscaler, frame size is kept constant.
yuvcorrect is keyword driven :
-M for keyword concerning the correction MODE of yuvcorrect
-T for keyword concerning spatial, temporal or header corrections to be applied
-Y for keyword concerning color corrections in the yuv space
-R for keyword concerning color corrections in the RGB space
By default, yuvcorrect will not modify frames and simply act as a pass-through. Also, it will apply
YUV corrections first and then RGB corrections
Possible mode keyword are:
STAT to have yuvcorrect print statistical information on your frames _before_ corrections
RGBFIRST to have yuvcorrect apply RGB corrections first, then YUV corrections
Possible general keyword are:
If you suspect that your video capture was given a wrong interlacing type,
and/or was spatially or temporarly missed up, please use and combine:
INTERLACED_TOP_FIRST to correct file header by specifying top_field_first as interlacing type
INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST to correct file header by specifying bottom_field_first as interlacing
NOT_INTERLACED to correct file header by specifying not-interlaced/progressive as interlacing type
PROGRESSIVE to correct file header by specifying not-interlaced/progressive as interlacing type
NO_HEADER to suppress stream header generation (apply different corrections to different part of an input file)
LINE_SWITCH to switch lines two by two
BOTT_FORWARD to move the bottom field one frame forward
TOP_FORWARD to move the top field one frame forward
Possible yuv keywords are:
LUMINANCE_Gamma_InputYmin_InputYmax_OutputYmin_OutputYmax or
to correct the input frame luminance by clipping it inside range [InputYmin;InputYmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputYmin;OutputYmax]
CHROMINANCE_UVrotation_Ufactor_Urotcenter_Vfactor_Vrotcenter_UVmin_UVmax or
to rotate rescaled UV chroma components Ufactor*(U-Urotcenter) and Vfactor*(V-Vrotcenter)
by (float) UVrotation degrees, recenter to the normalize (128,128) center,
and _clip_ the result to range [UVmin;UVmax]
CONFORM to have yuvcorrect generate frames conform to the Rec.601 specification for Y'CbCr frames
that is LUMINANCE_1.0_16_235_16_235 and CHROMINANCE_0.0_1.0_128_1.0_128_16_240
Possible RGB keywords are:
to correct the input frame RGB color by clipping it inside range [InputRGBmin;InputRGBmax],
scale with power (1/Gamma), and expand/shrink/shift it to [OutputRGBmin;OutputRGBmax]
-v Specifies the degree of verbosity: 0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose/debug
-h : print this lot!