xpenguins --version (return code: 0)
XPenguins 2.2
xpenguins --help (return code: 0)
XPenguins 2.2 (1 October 2001) by Robin Hogan
Usage: xpenguins [options]
-d, --display <display> Send the penguins to specified display
-m, --delay <millisecs> Set delay between frames
-n, --penguins <n> Create <n> penguins (max 256)
-q, --quiet Suppress all non-fatal messages
-v, --version Show version information
-h, --help Show this message
-c, --config-dir <dir> Look for config files (and themes) in <dir>
-p, --ignorepopups Penguins ignore "popup" windows
-r, --rectwin Regard shaped windows as rectangular
-t, --theme <theme> Use named <theme>
-l, --list-themes List available themes
-i, --theme-info Describe a theme and exit (use with -t)
-b, --no-blood Do not show any gory images
-a, --no-angels Do not show any cherubim
-s, --squish kill penguins with mouse
--all Run all available themes simultaneously
--random-theme Choose a random theme
--id <window id> Send penguins to window with this ID
--nice <ld1> <ld2> Start killing penguins when load reaches
<ld1>, kill all if load reches <ld2>
("--" can be replaced with "-" in all cases)
System data directory: /usr/share/xpenguins