xml2ag --version (return code: 0)
xml2ag (GNU AutoGen) 5.18.12
xml2ag --help (return code: 0)
xml2ag (GNU AutoGen) - XML to AutoGen Definiton Converter - Ver. 5.18.12
Usage: xml2ag [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [ <def-file> ]
All other options are derived from autogen:
Flg Arg Option-Name Description
-O Str output Output file in lieu of AutoGen processing
All other options:
Flg Arg Option-Name Description
-L Str templ-dirs Search for templates in DIR
- may appear multiple times
-T Str override-tpl Use TPL-FILE for the template
Str definitions Read definitions from FILE
Str shell name or path name of shell to use
-m no no-fmemopen Do not use in-mem streams
Str equate characters considered equivalent
-b Str base-name Specify NAME as the base name for output
no source-time set mod times to latest source
no writable Allow output files to be writable
- disabled as '--not-writable'
Num loop-limit Limit on increment loops
- is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T
- it must lie in one of the ranges:
-1 exactly, or
1 to 16777216
-t Num timeout Limit server shell operations to SECONDS
- it must be in the range:
0 to 3600
KWd trace tracing level of detail
Str trace-out tracing output file or filter
no show-defs Show the definition tree
no used-defines Show the definitions used
-C no core Leave a core dump on a failure exit
-s Str skip-suffix Skip the file with this SUFFIX
- prohibits the option 'select-suffix'
- may appear multiple times
-o Str select-suffix specify this output suffix
- may appear multiple times
-D Str define name to add to definition list
- may appear multiple times
-U Str undefine definition list removal pattern
- an alternate for 'define'
-M opt make-dep emit make dependency file
- may appear multiple times
Version, usage and configuration options:
Flg Arg Option-Name Description
-v opt version output version information and exit
-? no help display extended usage information and exit
-! no more-help extended usage information passed thru pager
Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.
This program will convert any arbitrary XML file into equivalent AutoGen
definitions, and invoke AutoGen.
The valid "trace" option keywords are:
nothing debug-message server-shell templates block-macros
expressions everything
or an integer from 0 through 6
The template will be derived from either: * the ``--override-tpl'' command
line option * a top level XML attribute named, "template"
The ``base-name'' for the output will similarly be either: * the
``--base-name'' command line option * the base name of the .xml file
Please send bug reports to: <autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net>