xlinks2 -version (return code: 0)
Links 2.14
xlinks2 --help (return code: 0)
links [options] URL
Options are:
Prints this help screen
Prints the links version number and exit.
-lookup <hostname>
Does name lookup, like command "host".
Run in graphics mode.
Run in text mode (overrides previous -g).
-driver <driver name>
Graphics driver to use. Drivers are: x, svgalib, fb, directfb, pmshell,
List of drivers will be shown if you give it an unknown driver.
Available drivers depend on your operating system and available libraries.
-mode <graphics mode>
Graphics mode. For SVGALIB it is in format COLUMNSxROWSxCOLORS --
for example 640x480x256, 800x600x64k, 960x720x16M, 1024x768x16M32
List of modes will be shown if you give it an unknown videomode.
For framebuffer it is number of pixels in border --- LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM
other 3 values are optional --- i.e. -mode 10 will set all borders to 10,
-mode 10,20 will set left & right border to 10 and top & bottom to 20.
For Xwindow it is size of a window in format WIDTHxHEIGHT.
-display <x-display>
Set Xwindow display.
Treat files with unknown type as html rather than text.
(can be toggled with '\' key)
-source <url>
Write unformatted data stream to stdout.
-dump <url>
Write formatted document to stdout.
-width <number>
For dump, document will be formatted to this screen width (but it can still
exceed it if lines can't be broken).
-codepage <codepage>
For dump, convert output to specified character set --
for eaxmple iso-8859-2, windows-1250.
Restrict links so that it can run on an anonymous account.
No local file browsing. No downloads. Executing viewers
is allowed, but user can't add or modify entries in
association table.
Runs links as a separate instance - instead of connecting to
existing instance.
-download-dir <path>
Default download directory.
(default: actual dir)
-language <language>
Set user interface language.
-max-connections <max>
Maximum number of concurrent connections.
(default: 10)
-max-connections-to-host <max>
Maximum number of concurrent connection to a given host.
(default: 2)
-retries <retry>
Number of retries.
(default: 3)
-receive-timeout <sec>
Timeout on receive.
(default: 120)
-unrestartable-receive-timeout <sec>
Timeout on non restartable connections.
(default: 600)
-bind-address <ip address>
Use a specific local IP address.
-bind-address-ipv6 <ipv6 address>
Use a specific local IPv6 address.
Don't use libevent library.
Don't use OpenMP.
-async-dns <0>/<1>
Asynchronous DNS resolver on(1)/off(0).
-download-utime <0>/<1>
Set time of downloaded files to last modification time reported by server.
-format-cache-size <num>
Number of formatted document pages cached.
(default: 5)
-memory-cache-size <bytes>
Cache memory in bytes.
(default: 1048576)
-image-cache-size <bytes>
Image cache in bytes.
(default: 1048576)
-font-cache-size <bytes>
Font cache in bytes.
(default: 2097152)
-aggressive-cache <0>/<1>
(default 1)
Always cache everything regardless of server's caching recomendations.
Many servers deny caching even if their content is not changing
just to get more hits and more money from ads.
-address-preference <0>/<1>/<2>/<3>/<4>
(default 0)
0 - use system default.
1 - prefer IPv4.
2 - prefer IPv6.
3 - use only IPv4.
4 - use only IPv6.
-http-proxy <host:port>
Host and port number of the HTTP proxy, or blank.
(default: blank)
-ftp-proxy <host:port>
Host and port number of the FTP proxy, or blank.
(default: blank)
-https-proxy <host:port>
Host and port number of the HTTPS proxy, or blank.
(default: blank)
-socks-proxy <user@host:port>
Userid, host and port of Socks4a, or blank.
(default: blank)
-append-text-to-dns-lookups <text>
Append text to dns lookups. It is useful for specifying fixed
tor exit node.
(default: blank)
-only-proxies <0>/<1>
(default 0)
"1" causes that Links won't initiate any non-proxy connection.
It is useful for anonymization with tor or similar networks.
-ssl.certificates <0>/<1>/<2>
(default 1)
0 - ignore invalid certificate
1 - warn on invalid certificate
2 - reject invalid certificate
-ssl.client-cert-key <filename>
Name of the PEM encoded file with the user private key
for client certificate authentication.
-ssl.client-cert-crt <filename>
Name of the PEM encoded file with the user certificate
for client certificate authentication.
-ssl.client-cert-password <text>
Password for the user private key.
-http-bugs.http10 <0>/<1>
(default 0)
"1" forces using only HTTP/1.0 protocol. (useful for buggy servers
that claim to be HTTP/1.1 compliant but are not)
"0" use both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.
-http-bugs.allow-blacklist <0>/<1>
(default 1)
"1" defaults to using list of servers that have broken HTTP/1.1 support.
When links finds such server, it will retry the request with HTTP/1.0.
-http-bugs.bug-302-redirect <0>/<1>
(default 1)
Process 302 redirect in a way that is incompatible with RFC1945 and RFC2068,
but the same as Netscape and MSIE. Many pages depend on it.
-http-bugs.bug-post-no-keepalive <0>/<1>
(default 0)
No keepalive connection after post requests. For some buggy servers.
-http-bugs.bug-no-accept-charset <0>/<1>
(default 0)
Do not send Accept-Charset field of HTTP header. Because it is too long
some servers will deny the request. Other servers will convert content
to plain ascii when Accept-Charset is missing.
-http-bugs.no-compression <0>/<1>
(default 0)
"1" causes that links won't advertise HTTP compression support (but it
will still accept compressed data). Use it when you communicate with
server that has broken compression support.
-http-bugs.retry-internal-errors <0>/<1>
(default 0)
Retry on internal server errors (50x).
-http.fake-firefox <0>/<1>
(default 0)
Fake Firefox in the HTTP header.
-http.do-not-track <0>/<1>
(default 0)
Send do not track request in the HTTP header.
-http.referer <0>/<1>/<2>/<3>/<4>
(default 4)
0 - do not send referer.
1 - send the requested URL as referer.
2 - send fake referer.
3 - send real referer.
4 - send real referer only to the same server.
-http.fake-referer <string>
Fake referer value.
-http.fake-user-agent <string>
Fake user agent value.
-http.extra-header <string>
Extra string added to HTTP header.
-ftp.anonymous-password <string>
Password for anonymous ftp access.
-ftp.use-passive <0>/<1>
Use ftp PASV command to bypass firewalls.
-ftp.use-eprt-epsv <0>/<1>
Use EPRT and EPSV commands instead of PORT and PASV.
-ftp.fast <0>/<1>
Send more ftp commands simultaneously. Faster response when
browsing ftp directories, but it is incompatible with RFC
and some servers don't like it.
-ftp.set-iptos <0>/<1>
Set IP Type-of-service to high throughput on ftp connections.
-smb.allow-hyperlinks-to-smb <0>/<1>
Allow hyperlinks to SMB protocol.
Disabling this improves security, because internet sites cannot
exploit possible bugs in the SMB client.
-menu-font-size <size>
Size of font in menu.
-menu-background-color 0xRRGGBB
Set menu background color in graphics mode, RRGGBB are hex.
-menu-foreground-color 0xRRGGBB
Set menu foreground color in graphics mode.
-scroll-bar-area-color 0xRRGGBB
Set color of scroll bar area.
-scroll-bar-bar-color 0xRRGGBB
Set color of scroll bar.
-scroll-bar-frame-color 0xRRGGBB
Set color of scroll bar frame.
-bookmarks-file <file>
File to store bookmarks.
-bookmarks-codepage <codepage>
Character set of bookmarks file.
-save-url-history <0>/<1>
Save URL history on exit.
-display-red-gamma <fp-value>
Red gamma of display.
(default 2.2)
-display-green-gamma <fp-value>
Green gamma of display.
(default 2.2)
-display-blue-gamma <fp-value>
Blue gamma of display.
(default 2.2)
-user-gamma <fp-value>
Additional gamma.
(default 1)
-bfu-aspect <fp-value>
Display aspect ration.
-dither-letters <0>/<1>
Do letter dithering.
-dither-images <0>/<1>
Do image dithering.
-display-optimize <0>/<1>/<2>
Optimize for CRT (0), LCD RGB (1), LCD BGR (2).
-gamma-correction <0>/<1>/<2>
Type of gamma correction:
(default 2)
0 - 8-bit (fast).
1 - 16-bit (slow).
2 - automatically detect according to speed of FPU.
-overwrite-instead-of-scroll <0>/<1>
Overwrite the screen instead of scrolling it
(valid for svgalib and framebuffer).
Overwriting may or may not be faster, depending on hardware.
-html-assume-codepage <codepage>
If server didn't specify document character set, assume this.
-html-hard-assume <0>/<1>
Use always character set from "-html-assume-codepage" no matter
what server sent.
-html-tables <0>/<1>
Render tables. (0) causes tables being rendered like in lynx.
-html-frames <0>/<1>
Render frames. (0) causes frames rendered like in lynx.
-html-break-long-lines <0>/<1>
Break long lines in <pre> sections.
-html-images <0>/<1>
Display links to unnamed images as [IMG].
-html-image-names <0>/<1>
Display filename of an image instead of [IMG].
-html-display-images <0>/<1>
Display images in graphics mode.
-html-image-scale <percent>
Scale images in graphics mode.
-html-bare-image-autoscale <0>/<1>
Autoscale images displayed on full screen.
-html-numbered-links <0>/<1>
Number links in text mode. Allow quick link selection by typing
link number and enter.
-html-table-order <0>/<1>
In text mode, walk through table by rows (0) or columns (1).
-html-auto-refresh <0>/<1>
Process refresh to other page (1), or display link to that page (0).
-html-target-in-new-window <0>/<1>
Allow opening new windows from html.
-html-margin <number of spaces>
Margin in text mode.
-html-user-font-size <size>
Size of font on pages in graphics mode.
-html-t-text-color <0>-<15>
Text color in text mode.
-html-t-link-color <0>-<15>
Link color in text mode.
-html-t-background-color <0>-<7>
Background color in text mode.
-html-t-ignore-document-color <0>/<1>
Ignore colors specified in html document in text mode.
-html-g-text-color 0xRRGGBB
Text color in graphics mode.
-html-g-link-color 0xRRGGBB
Link color in graphics mode.
-html-g-background-color 0xRRGGBB
Background color in graphics mode.
-html-g-ignore-document-color <0>/<1>
Ignore colors specified in html document in graphics mode.
ESC display menu
^C quit
^P scroll up
^N scroll down
[, ] scroll left, right
up, down select link
->, enter follow link
<-, z go back
g go to url
G go to url based on current url
^G go to url based on current link
^R reload
/ search
? search back
n find next
N find previous
= document info
\ document source
| HTTP header
* toggle displaying of image links (text mode)
d download
s bookmarks
q quit or close current window
^X cut to clipboard
^B copy to clipboard
^V paste from clipboard
^K cut line (in textarea) or text to the end (in field)
^U cut all text before cursor
^W autocomplete url
Alt-1 .. Alt-9
switch virtual screens (svgalib and framebuffer)
Keys for braille terminal:
arrows move the cursor
enter follow link
a cursor to status line
w cursor to title
^Y next link
^T previous link
y next word
t previous word
^O next form field entry