xfe --version (return code: 0)
xfe version 1.42
xfe --help (return code: 0)
Usage: xfe [options...] [FOLDER|FILE...]
[options...] are the following:
-h, --help Print (this) help screen and exit.
-v, --version Print version information and exit.
-i, --iconic Start iconified.
-m, --maximized Start maximized.
-p n, --panel n Force panel view mode to n (n=0 => Tree and one panel,
n=1 => One panel, n=2 => Two panels, n=3 => Tree and two panels).
[FOLDER|FILE...] is a list of folders or files to open on startup.
The first two folders are displayed in the file panels, the others are ignored.
The number of files to open is not limited.