xcf2png --version (return code: 0)
xcf2png - Xcftools 1.0.7
xcf2png --help (return code: 0)
Usage: xcf2png [options] filename.xcf[.gz] [layers]
-h show this message (--help)
-V show version (--version)
-v show progress messages (--verbose)
-j input is bzip2 compressed (--bzip)
-z input is gzip compressed (--gzip)
-Z command use 'command' to decompress input (--unpack)
-o filename name output file (--output)
-b color select background color (--background)
-A force alpha channel in output (--force-alpha)
-c select color output (--color)
-g select grayscale output (--gray)
-T treat indexed images as RGB for flattening (--truecolor)
-G disallow partial transparency (--for-gif)
-D dissolve partial transparency (--dissolve)
-f flatten to memory; then analyse (--full-image)
-S wxh crop image while converting (--size)
-O x,y translate converted part of image (--offset)
-C autocrop to visible layer boundaries (--autocrop)
Layer-selection options:
--mode mode set layer mode
--percent n set opacity in percent
--opacity n set opacity in 1/255 units
--mask enable layer mask
--nomask disable layer mask
-u use UTF-8 for layer names (--utf8)