xboard --version (return code: 0)
xboard version 4.8.0
configure options: prefix=/usr; datarootdir=/usr/share; datadir=/usr/share; gamedatadir=/usr/share/games/xboard; desktopdir=/usr/share/applications; mimedir=/usr/share/mime/packages; iconsdir=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps; svgiconsdir=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps; infodir=/usr/share/info; sysconfigdir=; update_mimedb=yes; NLS=yes; GKT=yes; Xaw3d=no; Xaw=no; ptys=pipes; zippy=yes; sigint=yes
xboard --help (return code: 0)
XBoard accepts the following options:
(N = integer, TF = true or false, STR = text string, FILE = filename,
Nx, Ny = relative coordinates, COL = color, FONT = X-font spec,
SIZE = board-size spec(s)
Within parentheses are short forms, or options to set to true or false.
Persistent options (saved in the settings file) are marked with *)
- -saveDate N*
-date N -autoClose
-whitePieceColor COL* (-wpc COL) -blackPieceColor COL* (-bpc COL)
-lightSquareColor COL* (-lsc COL) -darkSquareColor COL* (-dsc COL)
-highlightSquareColor COL* (-hsc COL) -premoveHighlightColor COL* (-phc COL)
-movesPerSession N* (-mps N) -initString STR (-firstInitString STR)
-secondInitString STR -firstComputerString STR
-secondComputerString STR -firstChessProgram FILE (-fcp FILE)
-secondChessProgram FILE (-scp FILE) -fe STR
-se STR -firstPlaysBlack TF (-fb -xfb)
-noChessProgram TF (-ncp -xncp) -firstHost STR (-fh STR)
-secondHost STR (-sh STR) -firstDirectory FILE (-fd FILE)
-secondDirectory FILE (-sd FILE) -variations TF*
-appendPV TF* -theme STR
-internetChessServerInputBox TF* (-icsinput -xicsinput)
-cmail STR -soundProgram FILE*
-fontSizeTolerance N* -lowTimeWarningColor COL*
-lowTimeWarning TF* -titleInWindow TF* (-title -xtitle)
-flashCount N* -flashRate N*
-pieceImageDirectory FILE* (-pid FILE) -trueColors TF*
-soundDirectory FILE* -msLoginDelay N*
-pasteSelection TF* -dropMenu TF*
-pieceMenu TF* -sweepPromotions TF*
-remoteShell FILE (-rsh FILE) -remoteUser STR (-ruser STR)
-timeDelay FLOAT* (-td FLOAT) -timeControl STR* (-tc STR)
-timeIncrement FLOAT (-inc FLOAT) -internetChessServerMode TF (-ics -xics)
-is STR -internetChessServerHost STR (-icshost STR)
-internetChessServerPort STR (-icsport STR)
-internetChessServerCommPort STR (-icscomm STR -internetChessServerComPort STR -icscom STR)
-internetChessServerLogonScript FILE (-icslogon FILE)
-useTelnet TF (-telnet -xtelnet) -telnetProgram FILE
-internetChessserverHelper FILE (-icshelper FILE)
-seekGraph TF* (-sg) -autoRefresh TF*
-autoBox TF* -gateway STR
-loadGameFile FILE (-lgf FILE) -loadGameIndex N (-lgi N)
-saveGameFile FILE* (-sgf FILE) -autoSaveGames TF* (-autosave -xautosave)
-onlyOwnGames TF* -loadPositionFile FILE (-lpf FILE)
-loadPositionIndex N (-lpi N) -savePositionFile FILE (-spf FILE)
-matchMode TF (-mm -xmm) -matchGames N (-mg N)
-monoMode TF* (-mono -xmono) -debugMode TF (-debug -xdebug)
-clockMode TF (-clock -xclock) -searchTime STR (-st STR)
-searchDepth N (-depth N) -showCoords TF* (-coords -xcoords)
-showThinking TF* (-thinking -xthinking)
-ponderNextMove TF* (-ponder -xponder) -periodicUpdates TF* (-periodic -xperiodic)
-popupExitMessage TF* (-exit -xexit) -popupMoveErrors TF* (-popup -xpopup -popUpErrors TF)
-clockFont FONT* -messageFont FONT* (-font FONT)
-coordFont FONT* -tagsFont FONT*
-commentFont FONT* -icsFont FONT*
-moveHistoryFont FONT* -gameListFont FONT*
-boardSize SIZE* (-size SIZE) -ringBellAfterMoves TF (-bell -xbell -movesound -xmovesound)
-alwaysOnTop TF* (-top -xtop) -autoCallFlag TF* (-autoflag -xautoflag)
-autoComment TF* (-autocomm -xautocomm)-autoCreateLogon TF*
-autoObserve TF* (-autobs -xautobs) -flipView TF (-flip -xflip)
-autoFlipView TF* (-autoflip -xautoflip)
-autoRaiseBoard TF* (-autoraise -xautoraise)
-alwaysPromoteToQueen TF* (-queen -xqueen)
-oldSaveStyle TF* (-oldsave -xoldsave) -quietPlay TF* (-quiet -xquiet)
-getMoveList TF* (-moves -xmoves) -testLegality TF* (-legal -xlegal)
-premove TF* (-pre -xpre) -premoveWhite TF* (-prewhite -xprewhite)
-premoveWhiteText STR* -premoveBlack TF* (-preblack -xpreblack)
-premoveBlackText STR* -icsAlarm TF* (-alarm -xalarm)
-icsAlarmTime N* -localLineEditing TF (-edit -xedit)
-animateMoving TF* (-animate -xanimate)-animateSpeed N*
-animateDragging TF* (-drag -xdrag) -blindfold TF* (-blind -xblind)
-highlightLastMove TF* (-highlight -xhighlight)
-highlightDragging TF (-highdrag -xhighdrag)
-colorizeMessages TF* (-colorize -xcolorize)
-colorShout TEXTCOL* -colorSShout TEXTCOL* (-colorCShout TEXTCOL)
-colorChannel1 TEXTCOL* -colorChannel TEXTCOL*
-colorKibitz TEXTCOL* -colorTell TEXTCOL*
-colorChallenge TEXTCOL* -colorRequest TEXTCOL*
-colorSeek TEXTCOL* -colorNormal TEXTCOL*
-colorBackground COL* -soundShout FILE*
-soundSShout FILE* (-soundCShout FILE) -soundChannel1 FILE*
-soundChannel FILE* -soundKibitz FILE*
-soundTell FILE* -soundChallenge FILE*
-soundRequest FILE* -soundSeek FILE*
-soundMove FILE* -soundBell FILE*
-soundRoar FILE* -soundIcsWin FILE*
-soundIcsLoss FILE* -soundIcsDraw FILE*
-soundIcsUnfinished FILE* -soundIcsAlarm FILE*
-disguisePromotedPieces TF* -reuseFirst TF (-reuse -xreuse -reuseChessPrograms TF)
-reuseSecond TF (-reuse2 -xreuse2) -settingsFile FILE (-ini FILE)
-at FILE (-opt FILE) -saveSettingsFile FILE (-backupSettingsFile FILE)
-saveSettingsOnExit TF* -chessProgram TF (-cp -xcp)
-icsMenu STR* -icsNames STR*
-singleEngineList TF -recentEngines N*
-recentEngineList STR* -firstChessProgramNames STR*
-secondChessProgramNames STR -themeNames STR*
-addMasterOption -installEngine
-initialMode STR (-mode STR) -variant STR
-firstProtocolVersion N -secondProtocolVersion N
-showButtonBar TF* (-buttons -xbuttons)-firstScoreAbs TF
-secondScoreAbs TF -pgnExtendedInfo TF*
-hideThinkingFromHuman TF* -liteBackTextureFile FILE* (-lbtf FILE)
-darkBackTextureFile FILE* (-dbtf FILE)-liteBackTextureMode N* (-lbtm N)
-darkBackTextureMode N* (-dbtm N) -renderPiecesWithFont STR* (-pf STR)
-fontPieceToCharTable STR* (-fptc STR) -fontPieceBackColorWhite COL*
-fontPieceForeColorWhite COL* -fontPieceBackColorBlack COL*
-fontPieceForeColorBlack COL* -fpfcw COL
-fpbcb COL -fontPieceSize N*
-overrideLineGap N* -adjudicateLossThreshold N*
-delayBeforeQuit N* -delayAfterQuit N*
-nameOfDebugFile FILE (-debugfile FILE)-pgnEventHeader STR*
-defaultFrcPosition N* -shuffleOpenings
-fischerCastling -gameListTags STR*
-saveOutOfBookInfo TF* -showEvalInMoveHistory TF*
-evalHistColorWhite COL* -evalHistColorBlack COL*
-highlightMoveWithArrow TF* -highlightArrowColor COL*
-stickyWindows TF* -adjudicateDrawMoves N*
-autoDisplayComment TF* -autoDisplayTags TF*
-firstIsUCI TF (-fUCI -firstUCI) -secondIsUCI TF (-secondUCI -sUCI)
-firstHasOwnBookUCI TF (-fNoOwnBookUCI -firstXBook)
-secondHasOwnBookUCI TF (-sNoOwnBookUCI -secondXBook)
-adapterCommand FILE* -uxiAdapter FILE*
-polyglotDir FILE* -usePolyglotBook TF*
-polyglotBook FILE* -bookDepth N*
-bookVariation N* -discourageOwnBooks TF*
-mcBookMode -defaultHashSize N*
-defaultCacheSizeEGTB N* -defaultPathEGTB FILE*
-language FILE* -userFileDirectory FILE
-usePieceFont TF* (-upf TF) -useBoardTexture TF* (-ubt TF)
-useBorder TF* (-ub TF) -border FILE*
-finger FILE -inscriptions STR*
-autoInstall STR* -fixedSize TF*
-tourneyFile FILE (-tf FILE) -participants STR
-tourneyType N (-tt N) -tourneyCycles N (-cy N)
-results STR -syncAfterRound TF
-syncAfterCycle TF -seedBase N
-pgnNumberTag TF* -afterGame STR
-afterTourney STR -oneClickMove TF*
-boardWidth N -boardHeight N
-holdingsSize N -defaultMatchGames N*
-matchPause N* -pieceToCharTable STR
-pieceNickNames STR -colorNickNames STR
-flipBlack TF -allWhite TF
-alphaRank TF -firstAlphaRank TF
-secondAlphaRank TF -testClaims TF*
-checkMates TF* -materialDraws TF*
-trivialDraws TF* -ruleMoves N*
-repeatsToDraw N* -backgroundObserve TF*
-dualBoard TF* -autoKibitz
-engineDebugOutput N -userName STR
-rewindIndex N -sameColorGames N
-smpCores N* -egtFormats STR*
-niceEngines N* -logoSize N*
-logoDir FILE* -firstLogo FILE
-secondLogo FILE -autoLogo TF*
-firstOptions STR -secondOptions STR
-firstFeatures STR -secondFeatures STR
-featureDefaults STR* -firstNeedsNoncompliantFEN STR
-secondNeedsNoncompliantFEN STR -keepAlive N
-icstype N -forceIllegalMoves
-showTargetSquares TF* -firstPgnName STR (-fn STR)
-secondPgnName STR (-sn STR) -absoluteAnalysisScores TF*
-scoreWhite TF* -evalZoom N*
-evalThreshold N* -firstPseudo
-secondPseudo -fSAN
-sSAN -pairingEngine FILE*
-defaultTourneyName FILE* -eloThresholdAny N
-eloThresholdBoth N -dateThreshold N
-searchMode N -stretch N
-ignoreColors TF -findMirrorImage TF
-viewer -viewerOptions STR*
-tourneyOptions STR* -autoCopyPV TF*
-topLevel TF* -dialogColor STR*
-buttonColor STR* -firstDrawDepth N
-secondDrawDepth N -memoHeaders TF*
-zippyTalk TF (-zt -xzt) -zippyPlay TF (-zp -xzp)
-zippyLines FILE -zippyPinhead STR
-zippyPassword STR -zippyPassword2 STR
-zippyWrongPassword STR -zippyAcceptOnly STR
-zippyUseI TF (-zui -xzui) -zippyBughouse N
-zippyNoplayCrafty TF (-znc -xznc) -zippyGameEnd STR
-zippyGameStart STR -zippyAdjourn TF (-zadj -xzadj)
-zippyAbort TF (-zab -xzab) -zippyVariants STR
-zippyMaxGames N -zippyReplayTimeout N
-zippyShortGame N -zippyReplyTimeout N
-chatBoxes STR -serverMoves STR
-serverFile STR -suppressLoadMoves TF
-serverPause N -firstTimeOdds N
-secondTimeOdds N -timeOddsMode N*
-firstAccumulateTC N -secondAccumulateTC N
-firstNPS N -secondNPS N
-noGUI -keepLineBreaksICS TF*
-wrapContinuationSequence STR -useInternalWrap
-openCommand STR -minX N
-minY N -winWidth N*
-winHeight N* -x N*
-y N* -icsUp TF*
-icsX Nx* -icsY Ny*
-icsW N* -icsH N*
-commentX Nx* -commentY Ny*
-commentW N* -commentH N*
-tagsX Nx* -tagsY Ny*
-tagsW N* -tagsH N*
-gameListX Nx* -gameListY Ny*
-gameListW N* -gameListH N*
-slaveX Nx* -slaveY Ny*
-slaveW N -slaveH N
-moveHistoryUp TF* -moveHistoryX Nx*
-moveHistoryY Ny* -moveHistoryW N*
-moveHistoryH N* -evalGraphUp TF*
-evalGraphX Nx* -evalGraphY Ny*
-evalGraphW N* -evalGraphH N*
-engineOutputUp TF* -engineOutputX Nx*
-engineOutputY Ny* -engineOutputW N*
-engineOutputH N*