wvgain --version (return code: 0)
illegal option: - !
wvgain 5.1.0
libwavpack 5.1.0
wvgain -HELP (return code: 1)
illegal option: - !
illegal option: h !
illegal option: e !
illegal option: l !
illegal option: p !
Usage: WVGAIN [-options] [@]infile[.wv] [...]
(multiple input files are allowed)
Options: -a = album mode (all files scanned are considered an album)
-c = clean ReplayGain values from all files (no analysis)
-d = display calculated values only (no files are modified)
-i = ignore .wvc file (forces hybrid lossy)
-n = new files only (skip files with track info, or album
info if album mode specified)
-q = quiet (keep console output to a minimum)
-s = show stored values only (no analysis)
-v = write the version to stdout
-z1 = set console title to indicate progress
Web: Visit www.wavpack.com for latest version and info