winetricks --version (return code: 0)
20170101 - sha1sum: c844fda0cca25ac9ed0ed1b55cd138cab6a4af16
winetricks --help (return code: 0)
Usage: /usr/bin/winetricks [options] [command|verb|path-to-verb] ...
Executes given verbs. Each verb installs an application or changes a setting.
--force Don't check whether packages were already installed
--gui Show gui diagnostics even when driven by commandline
--isolate Install each app or game in its own bottle (WINEPREFIX)
-k, --keep_isos Cache isos (allows later installation without disc)
--no-clean Don't delete temp directories (useful during debugging)
-q, --unattended Don't ask any questions, just install automatically
-r, --ddrescue Retry hard when caching scratched discs
--showbroken Even show verbs that are currently broken in wine
-t --torify Run downloads under torify, if available
--verify Run (automated) GUI tests for verbs, if available
-v, --verbose Echo all commands as they are executed
-h, --help Display this message and exit
-V, --version Display version and exit
list list categories
list-all list all categories and their verbs
apps list list verbs in category 'applications'
benchmarks list list verbs in category 'benchmarks'
dlls list list verbs in category 'dlls'
games list list verbs in category 'games'
settings list list verbs in category 'settings'
list-cached list cached-and-ready-to-install verbs
list-download list verbs which download automatically
list-manual-download list verbs which download with some help from the user
list-installed list already-installed verbs
prefix=foobar select WINEPREFIX=/root/.local/share/wineprefixes/foobar