who-permits-upload --help (return code: 2)
Usage: /usr/bin/who-permits-upload [-h][-s KEYRING][-d DM_URL][-s SEARCH_TYPE] QUERY [QUERY ...]
Retrieve permissions granted to Debian Maintainers (DM)
-h, --help
Display this usage summary and exit
-k, --keyring=KEYRING
Use the supplied keyring file(s) instead of the default
keyring. Separate arguments by a colon (":")
-d, --dmfile=DM_URL
Retrieve DM permissions from the supplied URL.
Default is https://ftp-master.debian.org/dm.txt
-s, --search=SEARCH_TYPE
Supplied QUERY arguments are interpreted as:
package name when SEARCH_TYPE is "package" (default)
DM user name id when SEARCH_TYPE is "uid"
sponsor user id when SEARCH_TYPE is "sponsor"