wav2swf --version (return code: 0)
wav2swf - part of swftools 0.9.2+git20130725
wav2swf --help (return code: 1)
Usage: wav2swf [-o filename] file.wav
-h , --help Print short help message and exit
-V , --version Print version info and exit
-o , --output <filename> Explicitly specify output file. (Otherwise, output will go to output.swf)
-r , --framerate <fps> Set file framerate to <fps> frames per second.
-s , --samplerate <sps> Set samplerate to <sps> frames per second (default: 11025).
-d , --definesound Generate a DefineSound tag instead of streaming sound.
-l , --loop n (Only used with -d)
-C , --cgi For use as CGI- prepend http header, write to stdout.
-S , --stop Stop the movie at frame 0
-E , --end Stop the movie at the end frame
-b , --bitrate <bps> Set mp3 bitrate to <bps> (default: 32)
-v , --verbose Be more verbose