wallch --version (return code: 0)
Wallch - Wallpaper Changer, Version 4.0
wallch --help (return code: 0)
Wallch 4.0
Usage: wallch [OPTION]
Wallch options:
-h/--help Show this help.
--change Change desktop background once by picking randomly an image from the list
--change[=DIRECTORY] Change desktop background once to the wallpaper at [=DIRECTORY]
--start Starts changing pictures from the last used list.
--earth Starts live earth, updating every 30 minutes.
--potd Starts picture of the day, updating once a day.
--clock Starts wallpaper clocks.
--website Starts live website.
--stop Stops the current process, if it is active.
--next Proceeds to the next image, if available.
--previous Proceeds to the previous image, if available.
--pause Pauses the current process, if the wallpaper changing process is active.
--cache DIRECTORY Creates the image cache of the specified directory (recursively).
--fcache DIRECTORY Same as --cache but without caring about image cache size.
--quit Quits any running instance of wallch.
--version Shows current version.