vwebp -version (return code: 0)
WebP Decoder version: 0.6.1
WebP Demux version: 0.3.3
vwebp -h (return code: 0)
Usage: vwebp in_file [options]
Decodes the WebP image file and visualize it using OpenGL
Options are:
-version ..... print version number and exit
-noicc ....... don't use the icc profile if present
-nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler
-nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering
-dither <int> dithering strength (0..100), default=50
-noalphadither disable alpha plane dithering
-mt .......... use multi-threading
-info ........ print info
-h ........... this help message
Keyboard shortcuts:
'c' ................ toggle use of color profile
'i' ................ overlay file information
'd' ................ disable blending & disposal (debug)
'q' / 'Q' / ESC .... quit