vobcopy --version (return code: 0)
Vobcopy 1.2.0 - GPL Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 robos@muon.de
vobcopy -HELP (return code: 1)
Vobcopy 1.2.0 - GPL Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 robos@muon.de
Usage: vobcopy
if you want the main feature (title with most chapters) you don't need _any_ options!
[-m (mirror the whole dvd)]
[-M (Main title - i.e. the longest (playing time) title on the dvd)]
[-i /path/to/the/mounted/dvd/]
[-n title-number]
[-t <your name for the dvd>]
[-o /path/to/output-dir/ (can be "stdout" or "-")]
[-f (force output)]
[-V (version)]
[-v (verbose)]
[-v -v (create log-file)]
[-h (this here ;-)]
[-I (infos about title, chapters and angles on the dvd)]
[-1 /path/to/second/output/dir/] [-2 /.../third/..] [-3 /../] [-4 /../]
[-b <skip-size-at-beginning[bkmg]>]
[-e <skip-size-at-end[bkmg]>]
[-O <single_file_name1,single_file_name2, ...>]
[-q (quiet)]
[-w <watchdog-minutes>]
[-x (overwrite all)]
[-F <fast-factor:1..64>]
[-l (large-file support for files > 2GB)]