vmtoolsd --version (return code: 0)
VMware Tools daemon, version (build-3227872)
vmtoolsd --help (return code: 0)
vmtoolsd [OPTION...]
Runs the VMware Tools daemon.
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-n, --name=svcname Name of the service being started.
--common-path=path Path to the common plugin directory.
-p, --plugin-path=path Path to the plugin directory.
--cmd=command Sends an RPC command to the host and exits.
-b, --background=pidfile Runs in the background and creates a pid file.
--blockFd=fd File descriptor for the VMware blocking fs.
-c, --config=path Uses the config file at the given path.
-g, --debug=path Runs in debug mode, using the given plugin.
-l, --log Ignored, kept for backwards compatibility.
-v, --version Prints the daemon version and exits.