virt-admin --version (return code: 0)
virt-admin --help (return code: 0)
virt-admin [options]... [<command_string>]
virt-admin [options]... <command> [args...]
-c | --connect=URI daemon admin connection URI
-d | --debug=NUM debug level [0-4]
-h | --help this help
-l | --log=FILE output logging to file
-q | --quiet quiet mode
-v short version
-V long version
--version[=TYPE] version, TYPE is short or long (default short)
commands (non interactive mode):
Virt-admin itself (help keyword 'virt-admin')
cd change the current directory
echo echo arguments
exit quit this interactive terminal
help print help
pwd print the current directory
quit quit this interactive terminal
uri print the admin server URI
version show version
connect connect to daemon's admin server
Monitoring commands (help keyword 'monitor')
server-list list available servers on a daemon
server-threadpool-info get server workerpool parameters
client-list list clients connected to <server>
client-info retrieve client's identity info from server
server-clients-info get server's client-related configuration limits
Management commands (help keyword 'management')
server-threadpool-set set server workerpool parameters
client-disconnect force disconnect a client from the given server
server-clients-set set server's client-related configuration limits
daemon-log-filters fetch or set the currently defined set of logging filters on daemon
daemon-log-outputs fetch or set the currently defined set of logging outputs on daemon
(specify help <group> for details about the commands in the group)
(specify help <command> for details about the command)