vgrabbj --VERSION (return code: 0)
vgrabbj: invalid option -- '-'
vgrabbj 0.9.9
vgrabbj -h (return code: 1)
vgrabbj, Version 0.9.9
Usage: vgrabbj [options]
-h This screen
-c <filename> parse <filename> as config file
-l <seconds> Daemonize & sleep <seconds> (min. 1!) between images
-L <microseconds> Daemonize & sleep <microseconds> between images
-a Switch vgrabbj's auto brightness adjustment (default: off)
You might need to set -F 4, too, if it doesn't work
-q <quality> Quality setting (0-100, default: 75), JPEG only
-i <sqcif|qsif|qcif|sif|cif|vga|svga|xga|sxga|uxga>
Sets the imagesize of input device to sqcif=128x96,
qsif=160x120, qcif=176x144, sif=320x240, cif=352x288,
vga=640x480, svga=800x600, xga=1024x768, sxga=1280x1024, or
uxga=1600x1200 (default: 352x288)
-w Set imagesize to individual width (needs -H)
-H Set imagesize to individual height (needs -W)
Be careful! These settings supersede any other setting of
the imagesize and may damage your hardware!!
The values are NOT checked to be valid!!!!
-o <jpg|png|ppm> Output format (default: jpg)
-f <filename> Write to <filename> (default: /dev/stdout)
-d <device> Read from <device> as input (default: /dev/video0)
-C Open device permanently instead of opening for each image
-g Disable setting of image-size, necessary for certain cams
(e.g. IBM USB-Cam, QuickCam)
-s <device> See capabilities of <device>
-S Switch BGR colormap to RGB colormap (try if colors are odd)
-D <0|2|3|4|6|7> Set log/debug-level (0=silent, 7=debug, default: 4)
-n Do write directly to the output file (if not /dev/stdout)
instead of using a tmp-file and copying it to the output file
-V Display version information and exit
-F <value> Force usage of specified palette (see videodev.h for values)
(Fallback to supported palette, if this one is not supported
Value 4 refers to RGB24, you need this for the brightness
-z <value> Discards <value> frames before the actual picture is taken
and written to the output. Only works in mmap'ed mode.
-A <path+file> Path and filename to write archive images. See man strftime
for possible tokens.
-M <value> Maximum number of images to keep in archive.
-E <value> Take a snapshot for the archive each <value> image.
-R Swap left/right like a mirror.
-U Swap top/bottom like a mirror.
-G Do not use mmap'ed memory - needed only for certain cams
-X Do not fork in daemon mode, good for testing/debbuging
-Z 'commands' Execute <commands> after each image.
First occurrence of %s will be replaced by filename.
Example: vgrabbj -l 5 -f /usr/local/image.jpg
Would write a single jpeg-image to image.jpg approx. every five seconds
The video stream has to be one of RGB24, RGB32, YUV420, YUV420P, YUYV or UYVY.