vcd2vzt --version (return code: 0)
vcd2vzt: unrecognized option '--version'
Usage: vcd2vzt [OPTION]... [VCDFILE] [VZTFILE]
-v, --vcdname=FILE specify VCD input filename
-l, --vztname=FILE specify VZT output filename
-d, --depth=value specify 0..9 compression depth (default = 4)
-m, --maxgranule=value specify number of granules per section (def = 8)
-b, --break=value specify break size (default = 0 = off)
-z, --ziptype=value specify zip type (default: 0 gzip, 1 bzip2, 2 lzma)
-t, --twostate force MVL2 twostate mode (default is MVL4)
-r, --rle use bitwise RLE compression on value table
-h, --help display this help then exit
VCD files may be compressed with zip or gzip. Note that VCDFILE and VZTFILE
are optional provided the --vcdname and --vztname options are specified.
Use "-" as a VCD filename to accept uncompressed input from stdin.
Report bugs to <>.
vcd2vzt --help (return code: 0)
Usage: vcd2vzt [OPTION]... [VCDFILE] [VZTFILE]
-v, --vcdname=FILE specify VCD input filename
-l, --vztname=FILE specify VZT output filename
-d, --depth=value specify 0..9 compression depth (default = 4)
-m, --maxgranule=value specify number of granules per section (def = 8)
-b, --break=value specify break size (default = 0 = off)
-z, --ziptype=value specify zip type (default: 0 gzip, 1 bzip2, 2 lzma)
-t, --twostate force MVL2 twostate mode (default is MVL4)
-r, --rle use bitwise RLE compression on value table
-h, --help display this help then exit
VCD files may be compressed with zip or gzip. Note that VCDFILE and VZTFILE
are optional provided the --vcdname and --vztname options are specified.
Use "-" as a VCD filename to accept uncompressed input from stdin.
Report bugs to <>.