ussp-push -V (return code: 1)
ussp-push v0.11
Usage: ussp-push [--dev DEVID] [--timeo TIMEO] [--debug] {DEVICE, BTADDR@[BTCHAN]} LFILE RFILE
DEVICE = RFCOMM TTY device file
TIMEO = RFCOMM connect timeout in seconds
BTADDR@[BTCHAN] = BlueTooth address/name and OBEX channel. If the OBEX channel
is not specified, and SDP quesry is used to retrieve it
LFILE = Local file path
RFILE = Remote file name
ussp-push --help (return code: 1)
ussp-push v0.11
Usage: ussp-push [--dev DEVID] [--timeo TIMEO] [--debug] {DEVICE, BTADDR@[BTCHAN]} LFILE RFILE
DEVICE = RFCOMM TTY device file
TIMEO = RFCOMM connect timeout in seconds
BTADDR@[BTCHAN] = BlueTooth address/name and OBEX channel. If the OBEX channel
is not specified, and SDP quesry is used to retrieve it
LFILE = Local file path
RFILE = Remote file name