usbmuxd --version (return code: 0)
usbmuxd 1.1.0
usbmuxd --help (return code: 0)
Usage: usbmuxd [OPTIONS]
Expose a socket to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices.
-h, --help Print this message.
-v, --verbose Be verbose (use twice or more to increase).
-f, --foreground Do not daemonize (implies one -v).
-U, --user USER Change to this user after startup (needs USB privileges).
-n, --disable-hotplug Disables automatic discovery of devices on hotplug.
Starting another instance will trigger discovery instead.
-z, --enable-exit Enable "--exit" request from other instances and exit
automatically if no device is attached.
-u, --udev Run in udev operation mode (implies -n and -z).
-s, --systemd Run in systemd operation mode (implies -z and -f).
-x, --exit Notify a running instance to exit if there are no devices
connected (sends SIGUSR1 to running instance) and exit.
-X, --force-exit Notify a running instance to exit even if there are still
devices connected (always works) and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.