update-software-center VERSION (return code: 0)
No handlers could be found for logger "softwarecenter.db.update"
WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:Failed to setup dbus (ignoring)
WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:Problem creating rebuild path '/var/cache/software-center/xapian_rb'.
WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:Please check you have the relevant permissions.
Updating software catalog...this may take a moment.
There was a problem updating the software catalog. Please try again or check the log.
update-software-center --help (return code: 0)
No handlers could be found for logger "softwarecenter.db.update"
Usage: update-software-center [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
triggered from dpkg
--local update local database
--appstream-only appstream app-info only
set different appstream xml rootdir
--debug show debug output
--use-packagekit use PackageKit backend (experimental)