update-perl-sax-parsers --version (return code: 0)
Debian update-perl-sax-parsers version 0.4
update-perl-sax-parsers --help (return code: 0)
update-perl-sax-parsers <options> --add <parser_module>
update-perl-sax-parsers <options> --remove <parser_module>
update-perl-sax-parsers <options> --update
--directory Perl SAX parser module info file directory to be used
as target for 'add'/'remove' or as sources for 'update'
(default = '/var/lib/libxml-sax-perl/ParserDetails.d')
--priority The priority of the parser to add. The parser with the
highest priority is the default parser.
--file Perl SAX parser module info file to be updated
(default = '/etc/perl/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini')
--ucf X Forcibly disable (X == 0) or enable (X != 0) the use
of ucf with '--update'.
--help display this help text (usage)
--quiet be quiet
--test do not modify any files, enable debugging mode
--version display version number