update-language --version (return code: 0)
update-language 0.1
update-language --help (return code: 0)
Usage: update-language(-dat,-def,-lua) [OPTIONS ...]
Generate hyphenation configuration files language.dat, .def, .dat.lua
When called as update-language, all three configurations files are
generated. Otherwise only the selected one.
-c, --conf-file=FILE file giving additional hyphen specifications
-o, --output-file=FILE file to write the output to
-d, --output-dir=DIR directory where files are written
--checks perform sanity checks on the generated config file
-q, --quiet don't write anything to the standard output during
normal operation
-h, -?, --help display this help message and exit
--version output version information and exit
The default output directory is
The default output files are
for update-language-dat language.dat
for update-language-def language.def
for update-language-lua language.dat.lua
If -o/--output-file is given, it overrides all defaults.